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四川省翻译公司关键字:Affordable housing development in insufficient tension between supply and demand situation, the emergence of affordable housing "investment" group. These people have housing, but also by the policy and operational level vulnerability to obtain affordable housing, or rent raise loans, or even increase the transfer speculation in the room number, with the shortage of affordable housing policy for profit.By the National Federation of Real Estate Chamber of Commerce, the City Alliance, MassMutual, Huayuan and other investors established REICO studio in 2006 in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other five cities, 9418 sample survey of households in general commercial, commercial use in the proportion of 20.55% leased; on the 2005 Beijing, Taiyuan, Xi'an, three of the survey data, up to 48% affordable housing is for rent, Beijing Hui Long Guan, Tiantongyuan two affordable housing communities, rental rate of the region accounted for 78.8% of the total lease transaction. Another unannounced visits to some statistical data and correspondent reports, corroborated the basic reliability of this data.According to the author-related sites in search of information, there is the more common high-priced Beijing reselling affordable housing room number and inflated prices for affordable housing, the current number of affordable housing sale price more than ten million. All kinds of second-hand housing (including affordable housing, housing reform and housing) in accordance with the transfer price of different geographical and more at 8,000 yuan / m2 to 10,000 yuan / m2 or more, some large units offer affordable housing up to 100 million.Accordance with policy, affordable housing may not have lived five years, sell at market, although the majority of affordable housing has not been limited to five years, but many affordable housing in accordance with market price is also an indisputable fact. Sold more than a "black contracts" approach to trading, this approach not only successfully complete the formalities, but also to escape a tax, so that the relevant departments is difficult to investigate. More serious is that there are still more affordable housing near the 5-year deadline, profits will lead to affordable housing owners, especially the "investors" into market. If the current traded policy and affordable housing "commodity" attribute does not change, then the implicit government subsidy, with the protection of nature into this high-priced housing to housing, can not benefit low-income families.