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成都翻译公司关键字:housing system reform to speed up housing construction notice", the proposed affordable housing real estate market-based positioning, in the "State Council on the promotion of sustainable and healthy development of the real estate market notice", then become a "progressive realization of the majority of ordinary families to buy or rent housing," according to market demand, to take effective measures to speed up ordinary commodity housing development, to increase its proportion of the market supply. From the affordable housing led to the main supply of ordinary commercial housing, which shows the State Council, China's real estate market positioning approach, has been limited since 1998 the general market to market to treat. Strictly speaking, this is actually the status quo existing real estate market recognition. As established by the State Council in 1998 to affordable housing based real estate market is not realized, and there is a general real estate market more and more dominant. Since the overheated real estate industry since 2003, the domestic real estate bubble in the end whether there is a heated debate. While this argument raises the central question of the real estate market's attention, but rising real estate prices caused by China's root causes and not touch. Although the State Department documents and no mention will be China's real estate market to fully adjust to, but in practice, there is the real estate market to a fully market-oriented to promote the trend. Admittedly, under the planning system in view of the housing system, the housing market-oriented reform, commercialization trend is not wrong. But the country's real estate market, like other commodity markets, to promote the full market, which there is a certain understanding of the deviation. "The State Council on the promotion of sustainable and healthy development of the real estate market notice" issued after the affordable housing percentage change in real estate and general information, is actually an enhanced intensity of competition in the real estate market information. This also explains why the intended regulation of real estate files, but the document issued after 2004, China's housing prices have increased sharply. From the National Bureau of Statistics show that in 2004 the average commercial and commercial housing sales price rose for the first time exceeded double digits for the first time exceeded disposable income growth and inflation index. Prices rose to the highest since 2000. According to the Academy of Social Sciences and other authorities "issued by China Real Estate Development Report 2004-2005", in 2004 the average housing price increase of 651 yuan over 1998, reaching 2714 yuan / square meter, an average annual increase of 93 yuan, but in 2004 one-year price growth in 2003, more than 355 yuan, the value is the average annual increment from 1998 to 2003 of 3.8 times.