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甘孜翻译公司关键字:purchase the limited high-income housing, housing in general to achieve equalization, which should be our real estate goals.If China's real estate can continue to close in the dynamics of these two goals, China's real estate will be able to fulfill its commitment to industrial development and social service functions.Fourth, the real estate management position. China's real estate regulatory model should be able to take the overall positioning of the government with Chinese characteristics, market-oriented management model. Regulation of government-led model, not to make China's real estate back to the planned economy period. For the system to solve real estate problems, China's real estate management from the following aspects:In strategic management, and resource constraints around the land, re-think of China's urbanization patterns. Practice has proved that in the process of industrialization in East Asia and Latin America in the form of excessive concentration of population in big cities of the development model, is to promote one of the main real estate prices. Western Europe also belong to the national per capita scarcity of land, but medium and small cities in Western Europe is taking the equalization of urban development patterns, so the land did not occur in Western Europe as Tokyo, Seoul, as high land prices. China is a country with a population 1.3 billion, in the process of urbanization can not take the excessive concentration of population in big cities of the model should take coordinated urban and rural, small cities balanced development model. To solve this problem, in the industrial layout, it is necessary to change the tilt of the existing city problem, change the financial public investment, education, culture, health care and other resources are concentrated in major cities of the problem.At the macro-control, around the control target, and strengthen the structure of the real estate market control. For China's real estate truly limited government under the control of a competitive market, we must reduce the intensity of competition in China's real estate market. In the short term can not change the total supply of real estate under the premise of reducing the intensity of competition in the real estate market the most effective way is to change the structure of housing supply, which increased government subsidies or government-controlled low-rent housing and affordable housing supply.