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眉山翻译公司关键字:tax levy of 5%; second-hand sale of affordable housing in accordance with market prices, housing location to be calibrated in accordance with 10% of the premium payment of land transfer, where there is no calibration of housing land, the house sale price in accordance with the 3% of the payment of land transfer or land transfer is equivalent to the price. Under this provision, even if the registration of rental households honestly to the relevant departments, trading houses do not do black and white contract, is only increased the revenue of local governments to control speculation, affordable housing to play a role in safeguarding the fundamental problem is not resolved .Preferential access to government policy, to ensure that local low-income families living in affordable housing difficult to develop smaller and smaller amount can also be used for rental, fry number, and can be the same as no barriers to enter the commercial housing market. This situation of the city as a whole plays a role in fueling the housing prices, but also to urban real estate caught in a vicious cycle of price linkage.In theory, complete property rights, should be included housing tenure, disposition, use rights and benefits. Since the state unified allocation of affordable housing construction land, exemption from land transfer fees and administrative fees and infrastructure fees, the cost of building affordable housing to become significantly lower than the commercial policy of affordable housing. Therefore, the Government has reason to further improve the affordable housing policy, affordable housing buyers clearly has only housing tenure, disposition and use rights, does not have the right to housing benefits. In many low-income residents do not meet basic housing needs, the government should intervene in the development and construction of affordable housing, sales and circulation of all operations. Affordable housing for low-income families can live, for speculation, the government should never hesitate to be effective the introduction of stringent policies to ensure preferential access to government benefits should really benefit the family.(D) implementation of the purchase real name system, the establishment of urban family housing archivesTo carry out the housing situation of urban households survey, the establishment of urban individuals, in particular family housing file, implement real-name system test of the government housing housing prices the key to the determination and courage. Government response to the local resident population over the number of households, the number of housing stock, various types of residential development has a total housing situation and family statistics registration, be aware of the situation rather than residential housing development and construction of the blind.According to the author of the research situation in Beijing, participated in the purchase of housing reform in the crowd, with more than 2 sets of family housing and for rent a few, but housing hardship and no new housing has also increased year by year the number of workers. Beijing Real Estate Industry Association