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巴中翻译公司关键字:housing transactions and has the dual characteristics of non-easy to determine the real estate market is a limited competitive market. If the real estate market to full competition in the market to adjust, then real estate decisions in the purchasing power of a single allocation of resources, it is possible for many citizens do not lose purchasing power of the residence. Market regulation recognizes only because the purchasing power does not recognize the fair housing rights. The dual nature of real estate products, decided by market forces alone can not guarantee citizens the right of residence, need for government regulation in the market.Second, China's real estate market regulation and control of reflection: the trap completely market-orientedChina's real estate market-oriented reforms began in 1998, its fundamental symbol of a "State Council on deepening the reform of the urban housing system to speed up housing construction in the notice" issued. The document on deepening the reform of town government's guiding ideology is: steady progress in the commodification of housing, socialization, and gradually establish a socialist market economic system and new system of urban housing in China's national conditions; target position is: "Stop housing distribution in kind, gradually implementation of housing system; the establishment and improvement of affordable housing based multi-level urban housing supply system. "Since the start of the real estate market in 1998 the supply system, based on affordable housing based urban housing supply system, which At that time also means the beginning of the State Council of China's real estate market is limited competition in the market as a treat. This shows that the State Department from the beginning at the operational level on the real estate market did not fully adjust to the market. However, in the guiding ideology is put forward to promote the commodification of housing, social reform, and there is no clear definition of the real estate market with limited competition in the market to treat.However, in actual implementation at all levels of local government is not to focus on the work of the supply of affordable housing, controlled by the government and leased land, in large numbers on the flow of general commercial. According to the documentation requirements, mainly to supply affordable housing real estate market, from the point of view the proportion of affordable housing should be above 60%. But in fact, some cities even 1% less.Increasingly away from our real estate requirements, fast slide to fully market-oriented, resulting in China's real estate prices began to gradually rise. However, in 2003, the State Council issued the "State Council on the promotion of sustainable and healthy development of the real estate market," which makes the positioning of China's real estate market has undergone great changes. In the "State Council on further deepening the urban