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凉山翻译公司关键字:Housing investment to cover up the real housing needs of housing, increase housing supply tight, housing prices and housing market turmoil. Currently, housing investment in some large cities and economically developed cities more prominent, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and so on. Skyrocketing housing prices and all the city was placed, there must be extraordinary, "Housing investment" phenomenon. Under normal circumstances, the rich buy more housing hoard was originally a personal act, but in many ordinary residents do not meet basic living needs of the time, the phenomenon of a larger range of housing investment, and lack of government policy should be dereliction of duty.Based on above analysis, the height of the housing problem of low-income residents in the market, scarcity of land, some local governments distort the "city management" philosophy and practice, and do not judge collusion, money and real estate development and a high degree of monopoly, excessive speculation and bring a serious imbalance between supply and demand of real estate and other policy reasons, has led to urban housing prices have gone up against the central government control the situation.Second, the proposal to stabilize pricesPeacetime government's primary responsibility is to make people live and work. Throughout the world, governments are in varying degrees to address issues in low-income housing assistance, many countries have more comprehensive policies and housing security system, the housing problems of low-income people mostly rely on government housing security system has been resolved . In China, precisely in the lack of housing security policy and system, which I make a few suggestions:(A) set up directly under the government's non-profit housing development and management agencyAccording to the data access, the world's housing security system, there are three categories: financial support-type, non-profit corporate-led and government-led. After the housing security system using two types of countries and regions of Singapore, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Australia, Sweden, etc., the most successful of its housing security, is to establish non-profit organizations or enterprises build and manage housing.So far, China's real estate-based, developer-led housing construction mode type defects for all to see. The monopoly of the government's real estate resources, in the "city management" is the real estate business under the monopoly of dislocation. Not only the breeding ground for collusion, money corruption in affordable housing, low-profit housing development, but also the formation of the government and developers, the game, each bargaining situation. Developers and a few people in this lucrative housing construction mode, but the people suffer, it should not be the central government housing reform in mind. Other countries and regions, based on successful experience and research analysis, China should try to set up under the government, to non-profit housing development for the purpose of administration, through free access to land, direct the whole project bidding and construction supervision, instead of