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雅安翻译公司关键字:Now the global automotive industry formed a "6 +3" pattern, that is, General Motors, Ford, Daimler - Chrysler, Toyota, Volkswagen, Renault - Nissan six companies and independent Honda, Peugeot - Snow iron Long (PSA) and BMW 3 companies, nine companies of the automotive world's total annual sales of about 92%. We can see that almost all of the above nine groups of ten industry clusters, industrial clusters and their success are inseparable, they developed a successful model of industrial clusters of China's automobile industry is a very useful reference significance, give us the pattern to follow.3 Development of China's automobile industry cluster status China's auto industry after decades of development and the continuous control of national industrial policy, there have been major car-producing areas of the automotive industry cluster prototype. At present, China has formed a six car main producing areas: the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Beijing-Tianjin area (Bohai), Northeast, Central China and Southwest regions. The main producing areas in these cars, industrial clusters have been formed.First, the Yangtze River Delta region. This region includes Shanghai and Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces part of the region. In Shanghai, there are the three largest Automotive Group, one of the "SAIC", has China's largest Sino-German car joint venture, Shanghai Volkswagen, a huge investment, the rapid development of Sino-US joint venture, Shanghai General Motors car company, have the widest variety of country, the largest auto parts industrial base, more than 50 world-class auto parts joint venture gathered here. In addition, Shanghai is planning to build an area of ??63km2 of the Shanghai International Automobile City, in addition to Shanghai Volkswagen's expansion project, the large number of auto parts supplier for the Shanghai International Auto City Auto Parts built in the park, as well as automotive trade and marketing, car show Expo, F1 racing games, car storage and car logistics, vehicle inspection organizations, automobile and education functions into one integrated automotive industry zone. It can be said here, has formed a cluster.And separated by a Bay of Zhejiang Province, Shanghai, private car companies are very well developed. Here for years and sales capacity has reached 300,000 Geely Automobile Group, as well as public Motors and a number of private car companies. In addition, there is the Wanxiang Group, Zhejiang, Huaxiang Group, represented by a number of powerful companies and a large number of small auto parts parts enterprises, many parts of export products has formed a certain scale, Zhejiang Province has become the country's major auto parts production base and export base.Jiangsu Province Nanjing Automobile Group, Chunlan car, Yangzhou Yaxing and other enterprises, as well as Yancheng KIA Motors Corp., has formed a dense region in the automotive industry park. With Ford Motor Company will build a second factory in Nanjing, the Ford and Mazda Alliance attracted, and Nanjing in Jiangsu's Fiat to form two main business core, the near future, this area is also expected to the formation of industrial clusters.