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广元翻译公司关键字:Nationally, according to Construction Ministry statistics show that as of the end of 2006, 657 cities nationwide, there are 512 cities of the low-rent housing system, accounting for 77.9% of the total number of cities; total of more than 547,000 low-income families live in low-rent housing.Thus conclude that: average low-rent housing system for the establishment of the city, only to solve or improve the 1068 low-income family housing; there are 145 urban low-rent housing system is not implemented. China's urban low-rent housing supply small, narrow coverage are many reasons, such as low-rent housing system for the local government attitude is not positive, low-cost source of difficulties in housing, construction, slow progress, application, approval, exit mechanisms are inadequate, and so on.(B) affordable housing, is to reduce the land transfer fee and some municipal facilities, the developer control in less than 3% profit housingAffordable housing is a social security nature, specifically the sale of low-income families to housing policy. According to the inspection yearbook, and surveys, analyze relevant information, the current problem of affordable housing is reflected mainly in two aspects:First, the city's affordable housing construction less and less, typically 5-10% of the total housing development, supply shortage, rapidly rising house prices and expand affordable housing policy requirements.According to Beijing Statistics Yearbook 2006, calculated in 2004, completed 27,399 units of affordable housing, the completed area of ??commercial real estate area of ??10.06%; 2005 completed 29,409 units of affordable housing, the completed area of ??commercial real estate area of ??9.43%. Insufficient due to the development, in line with conditions of purchase are numerous, which led to shortage of affordable housing, the government developed a direct marketing policy. To June 2006, Beijing directed to the relocatees and other five who supply affordable housing to more than 10,000 l, but in line with conditions of five people have more than 50,000 family households, while more than 80,000 households meet the affordable housing application conditions of the family are waiting, there is more to improve housing conditions are not even affordable housing residents can not afford to wait and see.According to the Beijing Housing Construction Plan 2007-2008 publicity also completed 90,000 units of affordable housing. The residents of Beijing, close to the recent demolition of 60 000 per year, even excluding the 13 million households currently waiting in line to apply for affordable housing conditions of families, the amount of affordable housing with the construction of direct marketing are difficult to meet family needs.Second, the Government provided preferential policies, limited construction standards, the supply of objects and the sales price, with the protection of the nature of commodity housing policy, many did not sell the home to sell, but some people become profit-making tool.