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攀枝花翻译公司关键字: The existence of these problems led to the present stage of the low competitiveness of the automotive industry. To enhance the competitiveness of China's auto industry, we must solve these problems. Industrial clusters, as most of the industry, the main way to enhance the competitiveness of China's automobile industry is also applicable. It will not only help solve China's auto industry, the main problems, but compared to other industries, can play a bigger cluster effect, thereby enhancing the competitiveness of China's automobile industry.First, the car as an "economy of scale of the industry", its own characteristics determine its more suitable for the development of industrial clusters. Because the car industry is a strong correlation of the industry, and needs a lot of supporting enterprises, the development of industrial clusters can make a large number gathered in the main company supporting businesses around, saving a lot of transaction costs. In this way, the cost of supporting companies with more than their own is much lower, and because the mechanism of cooperation within the cluster, may be exempted from the past, because the market mechanism is not perfect to bring auto companies and other ancillary products for enterprises of all kinds of fear, which can enable enterprises to "large" phenomenon can be resolved. At the same time, supporting the separation of enterprises so that enterprises can increase the available funds, more conducive to the improvement of competitiveness.Second, the industrial clusters, "a combined competition" effect, you can speed up the restructuring of the automotive industry, so as to nurture a large auto groups, to enhance the industrial concentration. On the one hand, the intense competition within the industry clusters and cooperation will lead to accelerated restructuring of enterprises within the cluster; the other hand, a strong attraction to cluster outside the cluster companies will also be absorbed by businesses within the cluster.Again, the industrial clusters will help to enhance the independent innovation of China's automobile industry capacity. Automotive product development needs of the high cost and complexity of the technology to our current status of the automobile industry, a single company in order to fully develop a new product is more difficult. Therefore, cooperation between enterprises, joint development is necessary, so that both parties can take advantage of the technical director, and can compensate for lack of funding. Development of industrial clusters, not only would increase the possibility of cooperation between enterprises, but also can enhance the stability of cooperation. Finally, as people continue to differences in consumer attitudes, people have begun to diversify demand for cars up, so that may cause the auto companies reach the traditional single model economies of scale. In the traditional mode, reach economies of scale mean increased costs, but the emergence of industrial clusters such as reach economies of scale brought about by the phenomenon of greatly reduced costs.