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达州翻译公司关键字:Until the end of April 2005 the "National 8" and in May 2006 the "Six States", was again adjusted for the room structure, focusing on the development of low-cost, small and medium size housing, affordable housing and low-rent housing as The main contents of the real estate deal. Although real estate-related documents, made no mention of the nature of the real estate market positioning, but the introduction of real estate policy, the central government more real estate as a special treat products and markets.Third, China's real estate market, the four positioning controlIn view of the basic theory of the real estate market and real estate market management experience and lessons learned in the real estate market, our management must have a clear positioning of the following four areas:First, the type of the real estate market positioning. China's real estate market is not only a limited competitive market, but are weak tolerance to competition in the market. China is a serious shortage of land resources, the country, land area and the United States equivalent, but four times the population of the United States. But this does not mean that our scarce land resources for real estate degree is four times the United States, 4 times more than the actual. China is a populous country, the need for adequate land resources to solve the food problem, not through the replacement of imported food to more land, in this case, for development of land resources, China's real estate market is extremely limited. Comparison between the ROC and the United States, if left entirely to the market to regulate the real estate, real estate market in China is the intensity of competition for more than four times the United States, driven by strength in such a competitive real estate prices will be several times higher than the U.S. . It can not understand Japan's per capita income in the United States is high, but land prices in Tokyo, Japan the United States four times. At present, China's per capita income of U.S. 1 / 23, has to shoulder several times higher than the U.S. housing prices, which will greatly reduce our quality of life.Serious shortage of land resources, determines China's real estate market will be difficult to manage the world's largest and most at risk of China's market economy. If the management of the real estate market positioning deviation, will likely lead to the real estate bubble crisis. Regardless of the 1980s Japan's financial crisis, or 90 years in Southeast Asia's financial turmoil and economic crisis in the United States in 1929, the crisis mechanism, are the first generate the real estate bubble, then led to the financial crisis.Needless to say, energy and environment for sustainable economic development of China's two hard constraints, the Southeast Asian region in the economic take-off process, the real estate bubble are subjected to bad luck, bad luck in China want to skip this, the management of its real estate market on the market must be completely out of the trap, in order to control the growth of the real estate bubble and cut off the source of nutrients. Limited to the real estate market as a competitive market to treat. A line with China's national conditions, government-led, limited competition in the real estate market, and this is in the market transition, the new system encountered problems and new challenges.