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内江翻译公司关键字:Fourth, the industrial clusters benefit sharing of resources, reduce the cost of the entire cluster, but also conducive to the formation of cluster brand, enhance the competitiveness of the cluster.As the industrial competitiveness of industrial clusters enhance the role of large, many regarded the development of industrial clusters as the industry to enhance the industrial competitiveness of the main ways.Second, industrial clusters and the competitiveness of China's auto industry to enhance theAs one of China's pillar industries, China's auto industry after decades of development, although the total has been ranked the world, but the competitiveness of China's automobile industry is "big but not strong," there are many problems.First, China's automobile industry in the geographical dispersion and a large number. The number of China's auto companies in the world first, but the vast majority of enterprises are small, produce more than 50,000 manufacturers only 7, 2 to 5 million units annual output of only six manufacturers. These plants belong to the vehicle central, local and defense departments, located in the country except Tibet, Gansu, Qinghai and Ningxia provinces than 4 in 27 provinces, municipalities. This directly affects the degree of China's automobile industry to improve industry concentration. Although in recent years, China's automobile industry CR4 (FAW, SAIC, Dongfeng, Chang'an) rising international competitiveness, but compared to the United States and Japan and other developed countries, China is still lagging far behind. Firm size is too small, so that China's auto companies simply can not compete with the international auto giants, while corporate R & D capabilities are severely limited. Second, most car companies are "large" situation, most companies have their own complete related businesses. International Automotive Components Group, only 30% rate of self, and our auto companies made 70% rate is still hovering on high. For example, SAIC has 43 parts enterprises, Tianqijituan has 52 auto parts enterprises. This aspect of the enterprise funds dispersed, on the other to support small scale, is not conducive to product innovation and cost savings. Finally, and most important, the Chinese auto industry a lack of innovation, most companies just imitate and accept the multinational technology transfer. This aspect of our technological backwardness and lack of capital investment related, but the lack of cooperation between enterprises is also an important reason.