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广安翻译公司关键字:According to the State Council, the spirit of the urban housing system reform policies, China's cities to establish and improve affordable housing to the main housing supply system, the implementation of different families of different income housing supply policy. Lowest-income families or lease by the Government to provide low-rent housing units; in low-income families to buy affordable housing; other high-income families to buy, lease price of commodity housing.However, since the housing system reform and development, their status is with the Central Government contrary to the original design ideas. In particular, the recent, rapid price hikes are very prominent in low-income families declining housing affordability, our cities and towns can not afford housing, more and more people, the voice of the community questioned constantly. Root causes of this phenomenon, where is it? Address this issue, the author of Beijing's real estate market was investigated, and found some interesting discussion and further study.First, the city's policy of housing prices cause analysisAccording to the World Union Properties monitoring data show that in 2006 the national real estate prices rose 7.1% compared to 2005. In Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and other cities, Beijing the largest increase year on year, reaching 29.8% rate of housing prices isequivalent to 4.2 times the national average.We see, in all levels of government to solve the housing problems of low-income people in the frequent introduction of the policy, to take various measures to stabilize prices at the same time, the city was against the regulation and rapid price rise. The formation of such a situation, in the end without a government, or not as difficult as it? From housing reform in 1994, opened the curtain has already gone through a decade of exploration stage. The current situation, to remove some have purchased low-cost rental housing reform and housing for urban residents with basic housing security, the other most of the residents of the housing market has been completely, they usually rely on the purchase of affordable housing, housing market price of rental housing and rental housing and other ways to solve problems, and lack of housing prices is also the policy during gradually.low-cost housing, low-rent housing policy for subsistence family housing hardshipEligible for approval by the rental policy strictly, the key issue is that the area is extremely small, the city has not implemented some low-rent housing system.Beijing, for example, in 2005 the resident population of 15.38 million (with a population of 1180.7 million Beijing household registration, the resident foreign population of 357.3 million), a total of 5.249 million households, excluding collective population of 115.2 million households, urban households to 4.843 million. In 2001, low-rent housing policy starts, eight districts of Beijing can be incorporated into low-rent suburban home only 1.0938 million, of which the lowest income families 1.0047 million, special care and family 891. Eligible to relax after a low-cost rental housing, as of May 2006, a total of 15,000 families to enjoy low-rent housing. The number of households to enjoy low-rent housing for the Beijing family households 0.28%, at least 70,000 households are now guaranteeing that low-rent housing and special care families need to solve the housing problem.