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遂宁翻译公司关键字: In addition, we can see that most countries in the international automobile industry through industrial cluster approach to development. Such as the United States, Detroit, Japan's Toyota City, are well-known automobile industry cluster. Their success and development of industrial clusters are closely related. China's auto industry as a "latecomer", should actively develop industrial clusters to enhance their competitiveness, as soon as possible by the auto power into a car power.Third, China's automobile industry the possibility of development of industrial clustersThrough the above analysis, we believe that China's auto industry should take to enhance the competitiveness of industrial clusters by the road. So now China's auto industry is the development of industry clusters with the conditions? Here is one of China's automobile industry based empirical analysis.1 support of national policy The automobile industry in the country's development policy clearly said: "The Eleventh Five-Year" period, the state will give full play to the advantages of market allocation of resources, enhance the role of policy-oriented macro-control and guide the social investment is more rational, contain low-level redundant construction, the formation of There are a number of furniture manufacturing competitive automotive enterprise groups. According to this approach, the future of China's automobile industry will be further restructuring, the formation of a number of competitive large enterprise groups. At present, China's auto industry has formed a "3 +6" pattern, that is, FAW, Dongfeng, Shanghai, Guangzhou Honda with three groups, Chongqing Changan, Chery, Anhui, Shenyang Brilliance, Nanjing Fiat, Zhejiang Geely 6 independent of the backbone car companies. The formation of the core car business, no doubt for the formation of industrial clusters have a great leading role. This is the national policy support and the result of industrial restructuring.In the automobile industry 100 years of development, the foreign auto industry through continuous development, now has become the world's top ten automotive industry cluster, they are: ① the U.S. automobile industry cluster Detroit, General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, three large group all gathered here. Detroit automotive industry is the core sector industries, the steel and automotive industry, instrument, plastic, glass and tires, engine and other parts of the production is also very well-developed, specialized, intensive high degree. Detroit's auto production accounts for about 25% of the United States, 440 million people in the city of Detroit, about 90% of people living in the automotive industry. ② automobile industry cluster in Tokyo, Japan, Nissan, Mitsubishi and Isuzu Motors is located. ③ Toyota automobile industry cluster location for the Toyota Motor Corporation, Toyota City, Toyota Motor Corporation is formed around the automotive industry cluster. ④ Stuttgart, Germany, the automotive industry cluster, is Daimler - Benz location. ⑤ Wolfsburg automobile industry cluster, is the seat of the Volkswagen company. ⑥ Russelsheim automobile industry cluster for the Opel car company is located. ⑦ automobile industry cluster in Turin, Italy, Fiat's headquarters. ⑧ automobile industry cluster in Paris, France for Peugeot and Citroen car company is located. ⑨ Yang ancient than the automobile industry cluster, is the seat of the Renault car company. ⑩ Birmingham, UK car industry cluster