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资阳翻译公司关键字:Wuhan East Lake High-tech Zone is currently the National University Science Park, has made progress, but still need to improve the capability of independent innovation related businesses. Explores the impact of industrial clusters of innovation, and further promote the Wuhan East Lake High-tech Zone of the National University Science Park, industrial clusters, optimizing the environment for innovation. Keywords cluster Innovation University Science Park of Wuhan East Lake1 Wuhan East Lake High-tech Zone status of National University Science ParkWuhan East Lake High-tech Zone National University Science Park (referred to as the University of Science and Technology Park, East Lake) brings together 23 universities (including key institutions directly under the Ministry of Education, 7), 56 national and provincial research institutes. May 11, 2001, University of Science and Technology Park, East Lake is the Ministry of Science, the Ministry of Education is recognized as the first national university science park. In 2003, by Ministry of Science, the Ministry of Education classified as Class B National University Science Park. University of Science and Technology Park Master Plan East Lake area of ??5.34 million m2, the main industry in the new East Lake High-tech Zone Tangxun Lake area. Press "more than a park, school" model, University of Science and Technology Park, East Lake, from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology Park, Science Park of Wuhan University, Wuhan University of Science and Technology Park, Huazhong Agricultural University Science Park, Central China Normal University Science Park and Technology Park, composed of university . University of Science and Technology Park, East Lake approved the establishment since 1999, has initially built a beautiful environment, Combination of Science and Technology Park. University of Science and Technology Park, East Lake, East Lake High-tech Zone has become a technological innovation, entrepreneurship and industrial development of the important areas and important economic growth Optics Valley level. University of Science and Technology Park, East Lake industrial fields of electronic information, environmental protection, laser, communications, new materials and new energy, biotechnology, fine chemicals, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, genetic engineering, optical electromechanical integration. There are a number of companies in the industry technology leader, and the formation of a number of benefits of good corporate groups. At the same time, the creation of a "Chinese laborers and Technology", "Chinese laborers high grounds", "Chinese laborers image", "HGLaser", "open project software", "NC Central", "Tianyu Information", "Tongji Medical" and other well-known the brand.