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云南省翻译公司关键字:State agriculture the way out? Only one of the main opinion that a higher degree of urbanization under reducing rural population pressure on land, be possible to transform Chinese agriculture, the establishment of large-scale farms, small-out, bringing them closer to labor productivity in advanced countries and income. Prior to this, today's contract system should be maintained, especially to ensure food rations to the system of production. In addition, there is no other possible options. In this way, were much less basic conditions, the farming population in the long term can only be living in relative poverty, and urban residents' income gap is growing.In fact, today, China's agriculture is facing a historic opportunity for development. Its way out without waiting for the next higher level of urbanization, but not the American-style ranch, but rather the current new era, with Chinese characteristics, is also a relatively high labor-intensive, high-income small family farms . In the 1950s to the 1970s, rural China has missed a lot of experience in developing countries due to modern factor inputs and improve farm income opportunities; today's new economic development opportunities and mainly from the increase in income associated with the emergence of agricultural products, consumer transition from the "food for the program" to food - vegetables - meat, fish, both of the agricultural structure. (This term refers to the broad agricultural agriculture, including agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery; the narrow sense of "Agriculture" refers to the single-crop farming.) Consumption and production of new structures to accommodate more workers, has made to promote moderate small-scale farms could become a reality. The key is to make a profit to stimulate the enthusiasm of farmers' decision-making, the model should be a new era to the system should be integrated food and vegetables or fruit, or a combination of planting and cultivation of small-scale farms. Of course, in certain conditions and public support for the leadership of the village, can be organized as a cooperative or collective actors. This promotion can increase their agricultural income, to expand the "domestic" to promote interaction and the chain of urban and rural economic development.The problem is not discussed here is "building a new countryside" policy has been adopted by a number of measures, including eliminating the agricultural tax, to support rural education and health, construction of rural highway system and some other critical measures, these can be said that a new era necessary conditions for the development of small-scale peasant. As for the reform of rural industries and cities since the employment, which goes without saying that agriculture is a historic opportunity for the current prerequisite. Here we focus on the relative neglect of smallholder agriculture, the internal construction.