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昆明翻译公司关键字:The problem is not discussed here is "building a new countryside" policy has been adopted by a number of measures, including eliminating the agricultural tax, to support rural education and health, construction of rural highway system and some other critical measures, these can be said that a new era necessary conditions for the development of small-scale peasant. As for the reform of rural industries and cities since the employment, which goes without saying that agriculture is a historic opportunity for the current prerequisite. Here we focus on the relative neglect of smallholder agriculture, the internal construction.My advice does not involve a lot of land ownership disputes, involving only the right to operate land. I should have rigid intention to the left and right sides of the debate on property rights, set aside. Today do not need a pattern and ideological debate, but the specific discussion of specific issues. The role of the State, I have no intention to promote the existing political "system" many problems further strengthened. State from the control - the transition to the authority to extract sexual services - coordination of the agencies into rural China today, but to seize the historic opportunity of the key.of agricultural development experience of countries in the worldReview the history of the Western advanced countries the history of agricultural development, there are two models is noteworthy. One is the rise of modern industry before the agricultural revolution, that eighteenth-century English agricultural revolution. At that time, the number of rural farmers into more than a century (along with urbanization and handicrafts development) basically stable, at the same time, due to the coincidence of some factor, to the restructuring of agriculture - in the enclosure movement in the community public grazing privatization of the land for the new plant - the system of breeding to create alternating basic conditions, is typical Norfolk (Norfolk) crop rotation system (wheat - turnip - barley - clover crop rotation, including turnips and clover but livestock feed) - doubling agricultural output. In other words, the rural labor productivity and increase farmers' income has doubled, leading to the corresponding "consumer revolution", which led to Adam. Smith's theory of exchange in healthy urban and rural areas, promote the division of labor, capital accumulation, and economies of scale, for the later development of capitalist industry provides the basis and conditions. This is the classic writers quoted in the past that the model of the British experience.In fact, in most advanced Western countries, this rate of agricultural productivity and incomes, have to wait until a century later, after the industrial elements (fertilizer, machinery and scientific selection) to form the input of the revolution in order to achieve the modernization of agriculture. The latter is actually more than eighteenth-century British "agricultural revolution" more representative. It is the advanced countries including Japan, modernization of agriculture more common practical experience.