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临沧翻译公司关键字:This idea did not take into account the revolutionary changes in agriculture today, the past 20 years along with economic development and people's incomes and consumption of agricultural products caused by the structure of agricultural production structure and the associated fundamental shift. As shown below, from 1978 to 2004, per capita GDP increased by seven times. Among them, the (narrow) "Agriculture" in the Fishery in 1978 the proportion of 80% to 50% in 2004, and animal husbandry - the proportion of fish from 17% in 1978 up to 2004 In 44%, which means that the entire population (of which the urban population will certainly be more prominent) on the structural shift in food consumption, from grain to grain-based consumer - meat, fish and try (similar to Western-style) the consumer. The planting another structural shift within the more, from "taking grain as the key link" to food - vegetables, fruit and heavy. Vegetables and fruits in 2004 (narrowly defined) "Agriculture" has reached the proportion of total output value of 37% (in acreage calculation is 18% - "China Rural Statistical Yearbook," 2005:106; "China Statistical Yearbook" 2005 : 460). As evidence, more and more young people physically and their parents' generation is in sharp contrast, both in height, development, looking, etc., have shown much richer nutrition. This is a historic turning point, but also a turning point in the ascendant.Urbanization, of course, a manifestation of this development. During the same period, the country's population in the proportion of total urban population increased by nearly 24 percentage points, from 18% in 1978 to 42 percent in 2004 and if the next 30 years the growth of urbanization of the population remained largely unchanged at an annual rate of one percentage point This will mean that China's population may reach the city, township seven, one-third of the situation. Urbanization of this magnitude will mean pressure to further reduce the agricultural population. Nevertheless, urbanization itself is not sufficient to explain the structural transformation of agriculture, the real key is to increase people's income, thereby increasing the non-staple food consumption, reduced food consumption.Of course, this change does not include the universality of all people, including changes, but with the social stratification and the widening income gap changes. First, the city's average level of consumption is generally higher than in rural areas, but cities still a significant proportion of the population is relatively poor, including the city itself, laid-off workers and rural areas to the transient population, their food consumption and the past is not very different. As for the rural (and small towns), although a certain proportion of relatively high income residents - mainly from finding a market economy, the interests of the people, but the general population, especially in grain-growing farmers only, food consumption and the generation still basically the same.