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文山翻译公司关键字:Should note that this new era of Chinese-style agriculture - animal husbandry is very different from the traditional Western model of agriculture - animal husbandry model. The latter is mainly grazing, herbivorous type, aided by the relatively abundant land resources, is not suitable for Chinese people much less objective conditions. 1930, Buck (John Lossing Buck) has argued, with growing food to feed its population, in order to calculate the efficiency per unit area of ??land, is a full grazing food, cows can support six to seven times. This is also the reason why China's high population density, agriculture in the long rigid "single peasant economy," the root cause, and the Western tradition of food - both models are very different animals. I am not here advocating the imitation of traditional western agriculture - animal husbandry model, but the Chinese-style, small-scale, the use of a new era of technology model. With grain feeding captive animals have been grazing on pasture land for much less than that, with straw and sweet sorghum breeding methods may play a role, when the more so. In this species - support combined mode, the food production and consumption structure, although similar to the traditional Western food - meat and re-model, but the size of its business, technology, and logic are not the same, in line with the objective situation in China today is under the conditions of post-industrial era of science and technology a viable model.Issues and measuresThe problem is today's agricultural system hindered the further evolution of this structure. Today's agriculture tied to a considerable extent trapped rations to the system, resulting in a common market is too small and out of the business. According to the distribution of land, only to grow food, the size is obviously too small, a large number of surplus rural labor force today is the main reason. Meanwhile, most of today's food market without direct consumption by the producer (2004 years in the production of food, a full 81% of the case), that is, the whole crop in a full half of the output is not direct consumption by the market, not likely to profit through the market ("China Statistical Yearbook" 2005:461,474-75).As a result, many farmers are not operating for profit, but to grow the insurance, the loss of urban farming as a retreat after work, so do not mind leading to widespread cultivation. Another type is those cities the opportunity to work more in rural areas, largely based on the opportunity cost of working in the city to make agricultural production decisions: for example, due to lower labor input and the choice of corn farming corn, which lets up close into the City to work every working day of the income, and give up other business may be. In this growing mode, the agriculture is only a complementary activity, and so was working sideline, naturally not very carefully cultivated, not active and innovative management. This is the current "semi-working farm, and" system is quite common phenomenon.