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保山翻译公司关键字:China's steel industry in recent years there has been a process of development against the centralization phenomenon. Produced against the centralization phenomenon are many reasons, one important reason is that China's steel industry into the exit barrier mechanism is imperfect, that low barriers to entry, and exit barriers are too high. From the sound development of industry perspective, at this stage, China's steel market is still not formed a competition-oriented economic barriers; local government and from their own interests-based differentiation of twisted iron and steel industry should retreat barriers, so that the steel industry in the the formation of a business over the past few years into the state. This brought into production over-capacity excess, a surplus of products undoubtedly vicious competition within the industry and the source of the outbreak under ambush.First, the Chinese steel industry, the basic characteristics of barriersIndustrial barriers are usually classified as economic barriers and institutional barriers, strategic barriers to three categories. Barriers to economic barriers include economies of scale, product differentiation barriers, incumbent firms the absolute cost advantage. Institutional barriers mainly refers to administrative barriers. Strategic barriers to entry by incumbent firms is to take action to improve the economic barriers, or that will enter to take retaliatory action to restrict access to those who enter.As China's economic management has been highly centralized planning regime to self-produce decentralization and decentralized corporate management, local government has the power to approve investments and projects. Government decided to enter the region when the enterprise has a dominant market force, this will result in a leading role in local government place-based interests of the easy standing position, encourage new enterprises to enter the steel industry, and the use of administrative means to the new enterprises to credit, tax and other policy support or provide market protection. Meanwhile, China's iron and steel basic industries in the main enterprises are state-owned holding enterprises, governments at all levels have absolute ownership of these enterprises. Therefore, China's steel industry into the exit barrier to a large extent the performance of administrative barriers.Second, the steel industry, the underlying causes of low barriers to entry1 interest-driven market to attract a large number of enterprises to enter