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曲靖翻译公司关键字:Reduce feed constraints, we can expand in the aquaculture industry in the proportion of high-yield farming. According to the NDRC price department of the survey, the dominant pig farmers scattered way, the aquaculture industry in the lowest income per working day. In 2003, beef cattle for net income per working day nearly four times higher than the pigs, laying hens is 4.5 times higher, chicken six times, seven times the cows. For laying hens and cows, the main constraint is not cost-benefit issue, but rather the land constraints, as both food consumption more (about 11-15 times the pig; beef cattle and broiler consumption of food is relatively small, namely 25 % and 79%). Laying hens and cows used to reduce the grain, would be able to increase the breeding of beef cattle in high-income, laying hens, chickens, cows, etc. proportion of farmers to improve the remuneration. ("National agricultural cost-benefit compilation," China Price Press, 2004:263,322,328,340,358)In addition, it was suggested more than used for grazing cattle and sheep today grassland, you can consider switching to poultry classes. On the one hand, so that grassland livestock "south", to use a lot of straw to grain feeding area (you can also increase farmers' yield gains); the other hand, let today's birds has raised food area "north", in grassland farming can avoid excessive feeding leading to desertification (because only two claws will not harm prairie chicken, but can control grassland pests). (Jiang G, "new ideas to restore grassland: south livestock, poultry north."In addition, under the new technology of energy use. As we all know, many of today's fuel used in rural areas still rely mainly on straw and coal, but the new era of technology offers other possibilities. According to reports, eight cubic meters of biogas digesters, with ten pigs faeces can be produced enough of the 4-5 family of one year can be used in daily life ("four in one greenhouse of ecological features and application problems." containing www.agri.ac.cn). However, a one alone may have some technical and economic difficulties, perhaps to engage in joint village only sustainable way of large digesters. Of course, the promotion of such a prerequisite is the use of biogas kinds - to support the further development of integration.The above operation, the energy pattern associated with farming the main area. In addition, the wide grassland areas, new technology has also brought other new possibilities. For example, sweet sorghum as a drought, salinity, crop, suitable for the area north of the Yellow River, and its capacity to be many times greater than corn stalks. As feed, with the grassland management model to more fully from grazing feeding in captivity, can support more livestock (allegedly an acre of sweet sorghum can support the "three, four [dishes] cattle"), and to prevent over-grazing due to the current The resulting damage to ecosystems. Sweet sorghum can also be used to produce sugar and alcohol. Is used to produce more potential biomass source for ethanol automobile fuel use. Grassland areas of the country's total land area 41% full; this road if feasible, will have a larger space for development. ("Sweet sorghum in China", in "the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Agriculture Organization" website, www.fao.org / ag / zh; "Zhu Zhigang: China encourages the development of biomass energy alternative to oil," containing "China's energy network." , www.China5e.com)he above are just some possible examples. Post-industrial era of technology, the invention should be more likely, the use of biotechnology methods which generally will be environment-friendly ecological agriculture, a green product, is a long-term sustainable agriculture. With people's income and the improvement of scientific knowledge, so its demand and supply of agricultural development should be considerable