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怒江翻译公司关键字:Therefore, the society, the middle of the wide range of income in the future if we can improve the whole population, food consumption and agricultural production structure should be more completely transformed, from a long period of the grain-based "single" type structure of agriculture and agricultural consumption transformed into farming - both the structure of agriculture, animal husbandry and fisheries, as well as from the traditional grain-based food consumption by type more fully into the food - meat - vegetables and heavy consumer. Nearly 30 years since the reform may be the time the first half of this transition period, the next 30 years may be followed by a half period. In addition to higher meat - fish and vegetable consumption, should include a higher proportion of fine vegetables, milk, green food and other needs.A possible way outWe have to ask: This structural transformation of food consumption, very long time, China's population pressure on land issues mean what kind of change? What it gives the opportunity of agriculture?First, it does not mean that China's agricultural structure would be similar to the type of agriculture in the United States. At present, China's 300 million agricultural workers (as opposed to the U.S. 3 million), even lose half, it still means that China's agriculture will continue to small-scale, relatively labor-intensive business-oriented, it is impossible that the U.S. will be translated into farming and few people type. Farm size in China can not achieve American-style labor are 900 acres of farms, and the long hovered in the 10 to 20 acres of the small family farm scale. New era of agriculture will continue to have Chinese-style high-density characteristics of the population, even in agriculture - animal husbandry and food and weight - meat - vegetables and heavy type will be different from the traditional Chinese agriculture and more similar to U.S. agriculture. In other words, the future of agriculture in China still rely on small farms, large farms and their way is not a new era of peasant economy.But in the meantime, the appropriate scale from the original idea of ??the popular 1980s impractical ideal, is more than six centuries have been impossible to achieve scale, can be implemented into a completely objective. The key factor here is that the above transformation of agriculture and food consumption. As we all know, farming vegetables and fruits as well as feeding on land use requires a higher than normal levels of farming labor input per unit area, and a higher proportion in exchange for remuneration. Today, only free-range farmers generally one pig and ten chickens. If a farmer ten breeding pigs, their income will increase a lot; if higher incomes beef cattle breeding, dairy, broilers, layers, etc. (see discussion below) will be increased