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西双版纳翻译公司关键字:Of course, there are still rural villages lack a high percentage of rural industries and urban employment opportunities. According to "social class structure of contemporary China," Task Force of the sample survey, the rural labor force is still engaged in agriculture, 60% pure, and another 15% and agriculture and non-agricultural. Still dominated by farming in the region, it is quite common to get enough land to run.Meanwhile, the current lending system makes us quite generally that in addition to rations no choice but to grow. National financial institutions in general to the simple logic of the market to treat agriculture, that agriculture, the rate of return is too low relative to other investment, risk and relatively high, so basically do not lend money to farmers. The latter relies extensively on informal loans in rural areas generally (except for interest-free loans between relatives and neighbors outside) about interest on a PCT, in more than one point, but agricultural production rates of return can not be achieved completely, the result stifle rural small-scale production of any borrowing. Even the rural credit cooperatives, they are basically not able to go beyond this limitation.In addition, there are transportation, restrictions on marketing. Individual farmers may not be arranged entirely by their own transportation and marketing, and business is generally not limited to the production of several families to a village to the acquisition, the results of the profit from market opportunities to the basic restrictions in some areas and villages, is equal to the other villages and farmers out of the market opportunities outside the scope.In the face of the reality of today's needs first is to relax the flow of grain to the right to contract, allowing farmers to have more extensive transfer of land management rights, so that more people do not mind farming the land transferred to the farming people who are willing to cultivate, in order to increase the proportion of moderate-scale farms. At this point, today has gone through a lot of discussion of "property law" should draft a positive role. There are many parts of the land to be subcontracted, once the formal legal recognition of the scale when it will be more likely to adapt to the needs of expansion. In fact, the "Property Law" may wish to further consider appropriate to allow the typical sales contract rights, as longer than the average rent, the transfer of more stable, while you can redeem with conditions typical to the history of China inherited the original system was forced to take care of the rural betray the spirit of the land of vulnerable groups. This will further increase when the right to transfer rural land management the flexibility to gradually expand the modest small-scale and full employment, the proportion of family farms.Should note that these comments do not involve the question of land ownership. Today ambiguous land property rights - the right to use in a given period are personal, but collective ownership of land is expropriated by the state can - may wish to wait until the new structure of Chinese society and to further clarify the issue only after considering how to deal with. The current management rights can only be considered a clear and gradual changes to the business scale.