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迪庆翻译公司关键字:Improve the exit mechanism of the steel industry, which means at a disadvantage in the competition of iron and steel enterprises are facing bankruptcy or mergers and acquisitions or the risk of inferior enterprises means that the key decision makers and management will be eliminated. Optimize the environment from the perspective of market competition, exit mechanism only improve the industry, survival of the fittest competition can play a role, in order to promote China's steel industry structure and development of a virtuous circle. Competition is the soul of the market economy, competition is about the survival of the fittest to achieve the main competition in the market to optimize the rational allocation of social resources.Improve the exit mechanism for the steel industry, is conducive to China's steel market, the competition to create a good atmosphere of healthy competition between enterprises. In the exit mechanism more perfect market environment, the advantages of iron and steel enterprises can make full use of its resources in improving the management and production efficiency, reduce costs, improve product competitiveness, based on the competition by constantly expanding market share and further consolidate and strengthen the market leadership position. And the advantages of iron and steel enterprises can rely on the threshold of cost advantage and build the steel industry to reduce the industry's dive into the motives, to dispel the industry's access to foreign infiltrators attempted. In short, the healthy competition to the advantage of expanding business, disadvantages of business enterprises gradually shrunk until bankruptcy or merger, which will undoubtedly help to achieve a more robust way to the main competition in the steel market, survival of the fittest and the optimization of industrial structure.Fifth, improve China's steel industry, several barriers to the basic measures1 China's steel industry is an optimization of the administrative barriers and the simultaneous development of China's economic reform processBarriers to optimizing China's steel industry depends on the improvement of China's economic system, namely the optimization of China's steel industry barriers with China's economic reform process, economic policy environment and the steel industry is closely related, and scientific and technological progress related to the steel industry, economies of scale, industry consolidation, market mechanism to improve other aspects, is a multi-disciplinary, multi-field industrial economic problems, we need to provide a complete theory of scientific support and guidance.2 To improve the iron and steel industry, economic barriers, institutional barriers