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玉溪翻译公司关键字:I own because of the lack of national management system and its operational knowledge, not possible to present a complete concrete program of action. However, imagining that the state should be further small-scale farmers into the market for a new era and provide a variety of operating conditions. A viable option may also have considerable experience in national institutions have the measure is to imitate the past, "poor" authorities "discount loan", the implementation of larger scale production of low-interest or interest-free loans to encourage small farmers to market opportunities and the corresponding financial profit, the key is to credit the money directly to farmers. Another is that some local leaders have done to foster and promote from production to processing and marketing chain, specializing in the production of a composition, together with private companies and businessmen can build this industry brokerage agriculture, especially food processing and domestic and foreign markets deep of development. If the performance of this building into the local cadres within the assessment criteria (unlike today, as to create a tax-based, results to local officials to vigorously push the most revenue-generating land development, investment path up), may be able to be a stimulating local officials concerned about a positive method of agriculture. Of course, the further development of aquaculture will mean more and better prevention facilities. Furthermore it is appropriate to limit merchant to take advantage of too, so that agricultural commodity traders and farmers to share the profits. A feasible approach may be appropriate to encourage the autonomy of the rural co-operative, or even collectivization, so that the village has its own conditions, sales organizations. In addition, consider assisting farmers in the organization's risk insurance, given the stability of a variety of business, providing for cooperation in natural disasters, diseases and other risk insurance. The main body of a new era of agricultural development, either individual, cooperative or collective farmers, it can be private companies or local officials, or any composite model.All this is absolutely not mean to return to a full control over their country's political system. In the market has reached a very high degree of reality, as the state apparatus will only stifle the enthusiasm of the farmers, creating more inefficiency and corruption. However, the use of market mechanisms to the development of agriculture also does not mean laissez-faire state inaction. Purely by the logic of the market allocation of resources, as before will definitely lead to agricultural and rural areas is lagging behind the city. In today's economic realities of the market, the only possible state of agriculture in this vulnerable industry has turned to anger the industry, only states are likely to be excluded from the market vulnerable farmers get the opportunity to profit in the market, only There are countries that have the ability to invest heavily in agriculture, increasing farmers to reverse the urban development in a situation of relative