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山西省翻译公司关键字:Reasonable requirements of the central real estate guide, guide what? I think, first of all should guide people to change housing consumption concept because the concept of dominant behavior. A concept to guide the correct housing. Home Ownership does not mean I have to own property room, rent is a form of ownership, and is the main form of housing rental and purchase is equally important. Should promote and regulate the current housing rental market. For Beijing, the housing rental market is large, mobile population in the transient population 3.5 million, of which a considerable number of white-collar workers is certainly in need of housing, reasonable rent should be their choice. However, the current high housing rental collection of taxes, to a certain extent, contributed to the gray market, in private rental is widespread, both resulting in the loss of taxes, not regulate. Should encourage rental housing from the policy level, to guide and regulate the healthy development of the rental market, ease pressure on home buyers. Second, a reasonable guide to housing consumption concept and capabilities, and should not be too excessive consumption, do not blindly follow the trend comparisons, in this respect the role of public opinion is very important.(B) research and improve the control meansCurrent control means is correct, but still need further improvement. This paper argues that regulation should strengthen tax efforts. For example, the introduction of property tax, to promote more housing units with individual consideration of real estate holding costs; levy consumption tax value, the large size than the normal size portion, and the price more than the normal part of the villa to be taxed; improve housing tax deed transfer transactions , you can make profitable real estate speculators. Full play to tax leverage to regulate non-normal consumption, price regulation should not be overemphasized. You can also improve the supply of land means the price change for the composite score calibration calibration will land on a relatively reasonable range, to avoid the high cost of land transferred to the prices of existing homes and the land surrounding the pulling effect of the price. No. 36 in the recent Beijing Guangqumen fractional tender evaluation, made a useful attempt. Tender offer, payment for 45% of the total score, tender business intelligence, planning, housing prices, the total development of concepts such as total score of 55%, effectively avoiding the land price war. Planning control, and strengthen the coordination of industrial distribution and real estate, learned from the "sleeping city" lesson, give full consideration to employment, transport and residential location, population evacuation center, to avoid the central area population to gather. Aspects of financial regulation, on the basis of the current monetary policy, according to housing "triple Properties", to develop and implement home buyers and investment buyers, affordable housing and housing consumption over the difference between the standard policies, and thus distinguish between the housing credit .(C) further regulate the low-rent housing and affordable housing policy