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朔州翻译公司关键字:C) the creation of wealth and income distribution is not fully follow the laws of the market, there is no right to play the role of the government's macro-controlLabor advocates the unity of value creation and income distribution; and elements of the view that non-labor theory of value elements, such as capital, land, natural resources and labor are the same as creating value, and therefore have reason to participate in the various elements of income distribution. Meanwhile, the growth of wealth and value factors of production can not be separated, thus elements of factor owners by virtue of its ownership must be rewarded (Wei Xinghua, 2003). Party Congress report that according to work and the Key Elements to combine hard work and clear the labor, capital, technology and management techniques and other production factors participate in the distribution of the contribution principle. However, in China's real estate development, wealth creation and income distribution does not completely follow the guiding principles of macro-control, the relationship between the two appear to be distorted (Chenxi Min, 2003). Eliminate polarization, building a harmonious society, real estate development is bound to put forward new demands. Only requires the real estate industry continues to grow and achieve further growth in wealth; same time, it requires the income distribution, wealth creation and distribution of income to match. Both efficiency and equity is an essential requirement of socialist market economy. In China's real estate development process, although to show some growth in the efficiency of wealth, but its actually down on the basis of factor cost efficiency, the efficiency is distorted, and in the factor income distribution, but also demonstrates greater unfairness.Third, the real estate value chain optimization ideasFor the above analysis, the following optimization of the value chain of China's real estate proposal.(A) clear the system of collective land ownershipLegislation through the National People's Congress in the form of clear rural collective land property rights system. Collectively owned rural land, but in the land acquisition process, the village committees and other grassroots organizations in rural areas will almost replace the farmers. Should further clarify the boundaries of rural land ownership, giving farmers the right to a certain degree of permanent contract, is conducive to the formation of long-term rural land rental market, thereby increasing the rent increase their income. In the land has been leased, expropriation, farmers should work with the government, developers, direct negotiations, revenue is mainly owned by the farmers, to avoid corruption and a variety of undesirable phenomena.At this stage the goal of land reform is based on collective ownership, market-oriented into a stable land rights, giving farmers the right to a permanent contract, physico-chemical farmers land use rights, so that farmers can legally carry out land use rights transfer, lease, inheritance , mortgage, etc., establishment of a unified land use right market, to allow farmers access to urban land use rights according to construction land market, and enjoy the same rights and state-owned land.The reform of rural collective land system, further clarify the boundaries of rural land ownership. More complete definition of land ownership, the higher the value of land, because of clear property rights reduces uncertainty, lower transaction costs. Right