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吕梁翻译公司关键字:The real estate market, the government, real estate investors and transferring collective land use rights can not be coordinated with the three goals. Government's objective is to maximize the social surplus value, while creating performance, promoting economic growth and maintaining social stability. Enterprises (real estate development companies and developers) is to maximize production profits, particularly in the pursuit of excess profits in real estate development is the eternal theme. Owned land use rights for farmers, the goal is to maximize personal gains. The intersection of the three objectives are too narrow. Especially the "Government + investors" and transferring land use rights of farmers to pursue a narrower goal of the intersection. In market transactions, the general cultural level of farmers whose land is relatively low, with fewer social resources in the local political and economic life there is little capacity to participate and influence; and grassroots government departments and agencies and development of land commission business is in a dominant position. Therefore, the Government and investors became more likely to "temporary community of interests", designed to help their trading rules. These trading rules on the party whose land is often less favorable. This real estate value creation and income distribution of unreasonable foreshadowing.(B) to create one of the main wealth of the farmers on the land property rights are clearly not from the lawSince the state has the power of compulsory acquisition of collective land, the government enacted land acquisition prices are often lower than the market equilibrium price of the land, however, when negotiating the price, in most cases, farmers are passive recipients of land results.From the reality of our national conditions, farmers have the greatest wealth is land and real estate. In China, due to collective land ownership is not clear, the farmers in this part of the wealth effect has been established enforceable property rights outside the law. According to Peruvian scholar Soto estimated that in countries such as Peru and Egypt, 10 people in eight personal property outside the formal economy. Value of the property outside the legal jurisdiction not only over the property within the jurisdiction of the law, but also to foreign aid to shame. In Egypt, the law of property other than a total equivalent to the total of all recorded property (including the Suez Canal and the Aswan Dam) 55 times; in Haiti, this property is equivalent to 150 times the total amount of all investments; in the former Soviet Union other countries, the poor have legal jurisdiction in addition to the potential value of real estate up to £ 6.3 trillion. These property without explicit by law since 1989, equivalent to foreign investment in these countries 20 times, the World Bank and IMF loans to developing countries 46 times, almost the equivalent of New York, Tokyo, London, Frankfurt, Toronto, Paris and Milan stock exchanges, including the world's top twenty most developed Stock Exchange total market capitalization of all listed companies. This indicates that, due to collective land ownership system is not clear, the process of land acquisition procedures prone to non-standardized and transparent. Compensation and incentives are not unified, there is a conflict for the land acquisition process lay hidden, hindering the real estate industry healthy and stable development.