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晋中翻译公司关键字:U.S. strategic management expert Michael Porter in the "competitive advantage" in the proposed value chain is a business to design, production, sales, delivery and maintenance of its products within the process or operation. Michael Porter's value chain concept, after notice and other business relationships. Janmes Botkin (1992) that the value chain is a chain of different companies through the design, manufacture, assembly, distribution and retail process, which is broader, more systematic concept. More recently, more attention to the concept of the value chain for enterprises to control access to information resources, the importance of the core value chain, so the value chain concept developed into a digital value chain, is formed through the Internet and electronic nervous system (ThomasandKevin P. Michaels, 2002). The composition of the value of the real estate industry also follows the basic structure of the value chain theory, the real estate value chain refers to the process of value formation in the real estate industry, the main creator of the industrial value - the Government, developers and land use right transferor, The economic unit owned by the collaboration into the right to assume the functions of the different value creation in the upstream and downstream industries together to provide housing to the final consumer product formed when various aspects of the division of labor relations and mutual cooperation to form a real estate around the interconnected value system. In this process, this system not only add value, and re-create value.Real estate development process, reflecting the centralization of industry revenue characteristics, the overall increase in wealth does not equal to the stakeholders to bring the wealth growth. On the surface, the industry is the biggest beneficiaries of the wealth growth of the real estate business owner. All major aspects of the industry chain is the irrational distribution of income real estate value chain, an important manifestation of the imperfect.First, the status quo of China's real estate value chainIts development, China's real estate value chain, there are some flaws, specifically in the following two points.(A) wealth creation and distribution of wealth in the main game in the unequal statusFrom the source of value creation and income distribution results, investors (real estate developer) with its capital and management, that is, investment capital and entrepreneurial talent, access to capital returns and reward entrepreneurship. Real estate trading market is a more intense competition in the market to buy or sell a more smooth flow of the elements. Thus, under normal circumstances, investors can only get social average profit. But China's real estate acquired often much higher than average income returns. From the land of the real estate development an important factor, we may see some of the driving force behind. Land transactions, real estate development market is the starting point.