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晋城翻译公司关键字:In the low-rent housing policy, you may consider taking a combination of old and new methods. The so-called new is unified by the new government closed a number of low-rent housing and running. The so-called old by the government center is a small, old apartment listings centralized, unified uniform rental housing, not only can meet the needs of the original tenants to improve housing, but also to take care of urban lifestyle, convenience and ease traffic pressure on the work. On affordable housing policy, the policy is good, but in the course of a little easy road. In this regard, you can try as follows: First, change the way of subsidies, government subsidies for affordable housing from the "brick up" to "head up" so that people who enjoy the benefits of the supplement. The current housing subsidies, the mind is in the low-income subsidy, but can not effectively control the purchase, that's not up to fill, should not make up the hand, enjoy, and obviously unreasonable. Only to fill the head, subsidies can be put in place. Second, affordable housing closed as soon as possible to run rules to curb speculation of secondary trading.(D) the status of state-owned real estate companiesDeepening state-owned enterprise reform, adjusting the economic structure of state, requiring state-owned economy out of competitive industries. Real estate is fully competitive industry, in theory, the state-owned enterprises should withdraw. But I think the state-owned enterprises should not only back but also a place. One of the reasons, the real estate industry has become the pillar industry of national economy, boosting the economy and the social role of much radiation, the real estate industry in recent years, the contribution to GDP remained at about 30% of the iron and steel, building materials, chemicals, services, and dozens of upstream and downstream industry has a huge role in promoting the advantages of industrial state-owned economy so why quit? The second reason, land development must be borne by the state-owned enterprises. Has changed the land by the government action is cooked, the supply of institutional change in the initial stage of construction land, to achieve the government acts, state-owned enterprises have a unique advantage. The third reason, affordable housing, low-cost housing and other low-profit project development, the need of state-owned enterprises themselves. The fourth reason, the government can influence the state-owned enterprises, and guide the healthy development of the real estate market. Reason of the five national interest of public welfare projects without state-owned enterprises, such as Universiade Village project, the Olympic project. 220,000 square meters of the Universiade Village in the Universiade opening from the remaining 20 months, the commitment to the development of private enterprise there are changes, so that just in the foundation excavation stage of the project stalled. Tianhong Group stepped in, self-financed $ 1.5 billion, in just 18 months to complete development and construction, with delivery on time, to achieve the country's foreign commitments. National commitment to take the Olympic project development and construction market bidding, but a tender notice no private enterprise after the application, all projects are state-owned consortium bid. Of course, private enterprise does not apply