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忻州翻译公司关键字:including the construction, completion, new construction area, which reflects the pre-conditions of sale area, the vacancy rate, which reflects the market price various types of real estate price and price analysis. This sample survey made by the Bureau of the real estate market data, as the city government and the higher-level decision-making. The construction of the real estate transaction management system to establish early warning systems issued with a comprehensive market data for the Government, the real estate business, the general population to provide true information.(D) the formation of market players "win-win" cooperation model symbiosisChanges in competition between parties to the transaction solely for the competition and win-win model of cooperation. In enterprise management, enterprise in order to better compete, must be converted to the strategic perspective, taking the symbiotic strategy, competition in the evolution of the symmetry of mutual benefit to the sustainable development process. Similarly, as the three main competition in the market, the government (or their appointed land agents), developers and farmers abandon the land use right must be equal partners, not competitors in terms of the transaction, to achieve three are reciprocal and win-win transaction results, to promote the real estate market's sustained, rapid and healthy development.(E) real estate market, income distribution so that the "invisible hand" and the government "visible hand" combinationThe initial distribution of income in real estate, the market mechanism should be led by the distribution of the results, reflecting the distribution of efficiency and minimize government intervention. Especially for farmers whose land is legitimate trading activities, behavior intervention and deprivation of the main market transactions. Must pay a reasonable market price of landless farmers land use rights should obtain a reasonable return.In areas where conditions are ripe, you can try to set up land share companies. Landless farmers off the land use rights for the shares of joint-stock company composed of land, and common legal forms of participation in real estate land market transactions. This enhancement of farmers whose land forces in the market transactions, improve and standardize the market behavior of the market order has a certain sense.And again in the income distribution, in order to compensate for the market mechanism in the initial distribution of defects, the government can macro-control, to compensate for market weakness (mainly farmers and residents were relocated) income gap, social equity. Government revenue obtained through land exchanges should be established to a reasonable proportion of compensation fund to compensate farmers whose land loss. Meanwhile, the government can tax, public finance transfer payments, assistance funds to compensate farmers whose land loss.(F) improving the social intermediary organizations to broaden the financing channels and