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太原翻译公司关键字:through the stable and give farmers the right to a permanent contract, is conducive to the formation of long-term rural land rental market, thereby increasing the level of land rent. Meanwhile, the only clearly defined land rights to the peasants, the real "security", even if the lease or expropriation of land, high land revenue is the most powerful farmers' protection. " The establishment of urban and rural land use rights trading market, allowing farmers to land directly into the urban land market, in order to give full play to market forces, making the land transaction prices determined by the market. Government in the development of public utilities in need of land has forced conscription of rights, but must pay the market price, in order to ensure farmers' income and land values ??are not collectively "cheap."The reform of rural collective land system, the increase in total real estate wealth, to extend the value chain also benefit the real estate industry. China's urban land reform, this is not the land as a commodity trading market, in order to greatly increase the multiplier effect of public finance and urban development of social undertakings, but also for the new land reform has accumulated rich experience.(B) the idea of ??changing the supply of landShould be based on the speed of China's urbanization level of economic development and other related real estate market, the establishment of national, local as well as the city's forecasting model, and predictions based on the real estate market for the city to provide guidance (short, medium and long time scales, particular year) the total land supply proposals. Since the state-owned land, then transfer most of the ratio should be fully submitted to the treasury, to curb the expansion of local development impulses and interests. Some local governments have become de facto land managers should stop simple pursuit of profit, a move to reinforce the construction of public facilities, maintaining market order, environmental protection and regulation of public services.(C) the promotion of market transactions for other parties to the exchange of information moreIn the information society, adequate and timely flow of information of great value and significance. Land transaction market share of all trading information is different, so prone to deception and misunderstanding of information, which are not normal. In order to form a stable and healthy market order, the transaction information superiority and, in particular public administration as the government has the responsibility to timely disclosure of information, correct and fully guide the direction of the transaction, the parties to guide the formation of market trading after the results of a transaction stable perception.According to the Ministry of Construction in August 2002 issued by six ministries, "to strengthen macro-control real estate market to promote the healthy development of the real estate market, a number of opinions", end of June 2003, Hangzhou, the first to start warning and forecast information system for real estate. There are 13 cities nationwide real estate police ACIS. At present, the initial establishment of the Beijing Beijing Real Estate Transaction Management Network, Beijing real estate warning system is the main platform. Warning system by the real estate data acquisition, and market monitoring warning system composed of three large, reflecting supply and demand,