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辽宁省翻译公司关键字:This is a strong battle - multinational giants are industry leaders in China began a power, low-cost, predatory acquisitions: absolute control, with and restrict the use of the original Chinese brand, refused to accept the non-performing assets, just as Chinese companies globalization strategy, the production base in China, fully integrated to become China's national industry, including multinational giants own production, procurement, and logistics, marketing, integration of financial and other large companies ... ..If China's reform and opening up of foreign mergers and acquisitions as a market-oriented Chinese economy "operations exercise," then today's foreign acquisitions more like a "cheap exploitation." Because at this time was almost similar in form to replace real difference, while the previous complacency may have evolved into today's "gestures."Today, the industry leading enterprises in China are undergoing a foreign acquisition of turmoil, the banner of national industry is also faced with the "cheap exploitation" of the merger wave of crumbling, the Chinese national industry and national companies are looking for century-old goal, is experiencing the foreign "invasion" of the test ... ...Beginning of the year 2006, the central government proposed the establishment of "innovation-oriented country," the goal, vigorously promote "the spirit of independent innovation." However, as creating "an innovative country," the main force of industry leaders, they are faced with some of the multinational giant to "capital operations" while cleaning out a legitimate risk of destiny.Caterpillar's China ambitionsThe world's largest manufacturer of machinery and equipment - Caterpillar Inc. is the U.S. mergers and acquisitions to expand China launched a storm, leading enterprises in China's machinery manufacturing industry is included in almost all of its planned merger; initiated for the acquisition of Storm Cat , the industry believes that its "expansionist ambitions" is: to integrate and eat the entire China machinery manufacturing industry."Letter of intent" in the strong and domineeringAccording to "China Economic Weekly" understanding, Caterpillar planned acquisition of negotiating virtually every aspect of China's machinery manufacturing industry, several leading companies: Xiamen Engineering Machinery Co., Ltd., Guangxi Liugong Machinery Co., Ltd., Hebei Xuanhua Engineering Machinery Co., Ltd. , Weifang Diesel Engine Company Limited, etc.Caterpillar's acquisition of leading enterprises in China, only a small part of the expansionist ambitions," one analyst said, "Currently, the U.S. Caterpillar Equipment Manufacturing in China's efforts are unprecedented depth and breadth of its purpose has been not only occupy the Chinese market, while also trying to make China's equipment manufacturing industry in its global industrial chain, to form a stronger capital swallowed. "The person's point of view seems not groundless. In the "China Economic Weekly" to get a U.S. company in 2003, Caterpillar filed a domestic enterprise "investment letter of intent", Caterpillar has the following requirements: a joint venture to be carried out under the Caterpillar global strategy, and subject to Caterpillar's global strategy; Caterpillar required to have the brand, emphasizing global integration, restrict the use of the original Chinese brand; will be able to produce the company has built Caterpillar products technology company, as its production base in China ... ... Caterpillar also announced to invest $ 10 billion in China, to establish "both production and procurement, including logistics, marketing, finance," the big companies.