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盘锦翻译公司关键字:Caterpillar in China, many mergers and acquisitions, the acquisition of Xiamen Engineering Group is critical, once the Caterpillar Group successfully bid for building work, it basically established in China loader market monopoly, led to load it in China machine market will advance the formation of a monopoly position, and will allow the accumulation of decades of China's loader industry competitiveness and brands disappeared. impact on the industry will be enormous. "merger and reorganization of state-owned enterprises deep economic scientists Baijin Fu "China Economic Weekly" reporter worriedly said.Although the acquisition of building work outside of the Caterpillar Group to be of great concern, but the parties seem reluctant to express their views, even to avoidance behavior. If reporters call the Building Engineering Group to understand the negotiations progress, the office of a staff member responded: "Caterpillar acquired Xiamen Engineering Group is not something that we as business people have not heard such news."Building Engineering Group of the attitudes and trade rumors and media reports, why is there such a big contrast between? Related to the "China Economic Weekly," analysts say, why deny building workers regarding mergers and acquisitions, the company may feel some pressure, not to exclude local government pressure. As a coastal city of Xiamen in the open out after 20 years, local economic development is basically driven by foreign investment, because of this, the local government for foreign investment to promote economic growth given the high recognition. It follows that the local government the power to promote the use of administrative building work acquisitions are among the common sense. But the problem is, M & A issues a disclosure, but, like everywhere, but the voices of doubt, to the local government has also brought a lot of pressure.Caterpillar acquired Xiamen Engineering Group success, for the moment still a unsolved. However, 24-25 November 2005 held in Xiamen, "2005 Fourth China Construction Machinery Development Forum", the Xiamen Engineering Group Chairman Wang Kundong to do with the theme of "Building construction machinery national brand, accelerate the revitalization of our equipment manufacturing "speech, Wang Kundong chairman said in a speech in the face of strong multinational intervention, building work of the response is: based on innovation, and strive to master a number of core technologies with independent intellectual property rights, making it to promote equipment manufacturing development of power industry; implementation of brand strategy, to create a number of national brands, making it a weapon to compete with multinational brands; self-reliance, and strive to cultivate a group with strong international competitive edge in business, making support the backbone of China's equipment manufacturing industry.