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抚顺翻译公司关键字:In this paper, chain anchored, integrated marketing from the perspective of the business model used in the enterprise are discussed, designed for today's enterprise marketing management to explore. Markets such as water pervasive. This business model like a chain-like drops of water in the enterprise to play its charm. The key chain's marketing model is the "points" and "cooperation." "Points", namely: external market business segment, the internal management responsibilities subdivision; "synergy" that is: the external market business integration, integration of internal business management. "Points" and "together" is the integration of external hardware and software resources. Social integration of the marketing chain under the effect of scale enterprise applications, optimize resources and form a new profit points, together make a socialization, chain management, integrated marketing, division, scaleWater, all-pervasive, all-pervasive management. Competition and confrontation is not absolute, absolute competition and confrontation is triggered by Liang Bai. Enterprise management in harmony for the United States. Chain is its unique business continued use in the operation and management. Chain is the product of the socialization process is the result of the development of market economy, has grown from the original chain management in the retail industry, the use of extended to all sectors of society in all areas. Business is the country where the business is to survive in the social environment of professional people on earth (body), business management, the ultimate goal is to create profit, offer power for the country's GDP growth to earth (natural persons) survive better. To this end, minimize waste of resources, resources to maximize profits, to become the eternal subject of enterprise development. Survival and development of enterprises in which he lived and the environment. Earth's limited resources, limited national resources, the enterprise's own resources are limited, companies with limited resources to maximize the use of resources will continue to integrate and optimize resources. Integration of resources, create economies of scale are an important form of chain operation, "sub" and "integration" is an important means of integration of resources. Chain management division and its unique charm in the management of the enterprise penetration.Process of continuous development of social enterprises in the community, the country survive the economic environment, WTO economic environment for the development of their own resources. Different times according to the economic environment in the market positioning and location of different, integrated enterprise resource planning stage for chain operation. The marketing chain model generated in the effectiveness of enterprise development is subtle, like a water-like all-pervasive penetration in enterprise management. Cut-off chain management in business operations as added a new yeast-like charm. Internal management, external management. Management is the basis for the development, operation is the source of enterprise development. Management and operation of the enterprise's internal and external resources. "Points" and