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营口翻译公司关键字:In the bearing industry, bearing industry four years ago, the country's first listed company - Northwest Bearing Co., Ltd., has been with the world's third largest bearings company FAG Germany joint venture, the joint venture two years later became a German-owned enterprises. As the joint venture, Northwest bearing so many years out of the operation of the railway truck bearing the brand, the loss of China's railway truck bearing account for 25% of the market;In the chemical machinery manufacturing industry, accounting for an important position, "Jinxi of the machine", has joint ventures with multinational giant Siemens, the industry to determine the future of this cooperation is: Jinxi of the machine core technology is Siemens Turbomachinery away, large domestic fertilizer equipment maintenance depends on Siemens' face. "In addition, our group of leading enterprises in key industries - Shaanxi Blower (Group) Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Advance Gearbox Group Co., Ltd, Weifang Diesel Engine Co., Ltd. and other multinational companies have also been firmly "bite" and hold. Among them, the German "ZF" holding company is seeking to Hangzhou Advance Gearbox Group Co., Ltd.. Hang teeth in supporting China's high-speed ship diesel engines, gear boxes and gear box construction industry vanguard production enterprises, and to take some military tasks, if the overall foreign holding, the impact of its military production is relatively large.source said, Zoomlion, Lingong and other business-related negotiations are underway. It can be said, under the impetus of the local government, the domestic leading enterprises are gradually being incorporated into the foreign subsidiary.How to deal with restructuring state-owned foreign low-cost predatory mergers and acquisitionsThe new round of foreign mergers and acquisitions, multinational's approach is often predatory and low-cost type." Economist Bai Jinfu "China Economic Weekly" said, "must be controlled, must be industry leaders, future earnings must exceed 15%, These three multinationals now in China has become the basic requirements for acquisitions. "In the case of mergers and acquisitions completed under the terms of inequality, the result must be that China's national construction machinery brands and innovation gradually disappeared; the core of the domestic leading enterprises, the key areas and high value-added if it is foreign controlled, industrial development will occur "Outer space within the" dangerous scene.