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铁岭翻译公司关键字:"U.S. companies from 1995 Caterpillar and Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group established its first joint venture since it focuses on the overall construction machinery in China M & A strategy in the completion of the work part of the holding Xu after they merged with Shandong Engineering Machinery Factory recently, but also in trying to holding investment, the acquisition of Xiamen Engineering Machinery Co., Ltd., while still seeking acquisitions Sany Heavy Industry Co., Ltd., Guangxi Liuzhou Engineering Machinery Group, Xuanhua Construction Machinery Group. If this layout can be achieve, is equal to 'take-all' of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering industry. "economist Bai Jinfu to" China Economic Weekly "to express their concerns and warnings.In fact, Bai Jinfu worries are not alarmist, the industry also believes that Caterpillar in China's purpose is clear: not only to control the leading Chinese construction machinery enterprises, it is to eat the entire industry. The Caterpillar in China's vast industry consolidation plan, the Chinese construction machinery industry has posed a huge threat to survival, because China is only building work, Liugong, Sany Heavy construction machinery such as one of the few strong companies, if not them, China's own national machinery industry may be in name only.It is reported in China, Caterpillar has set up 11 production bases, two R & D center and a training center, including (Caterpillar) Xuzhou, Shanghai Engine Company, Casting Company Shanxi, Tianjin and other Asian companies actually track . Pursuit of monopoly profits for the decision of this large multinational giant Caterpillar will not stop their own pace to conquer new territories. China's equipment manufacturing industry leading enterprises in mergers and acquisitions caseCaterpillar is trying to capital works, "eat" Chinese construction machinery enterprises there are many cases of foreign acquisitions.October 25, 2005, China's largest construction machinery manufacturer Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group Co., Carlyle Group, the U.S. $ 375 million (about 3 billion yuan) to buy 85% stake. Prior to 1995, the U.S. Caterpillar and Xuzhou Construction has established a joint venture;In the nozzle pump industry, our acquisition of the German company Bosch pump nozzle row of the first companies in the industry - Weifu Co., Ltd. Jiangsu, China almost all the nozzle pump industry mergers and acquisitions by multinational corporations, holding, after years of established technology center is revoked, the merger ;