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辽阳翻译公司关键字:That is, when Xiamen Engineering Group just to increase production capacity to the highest state, the domestic demand of the market is from warm to cold.At this time, the U.S. Caterpillar company to find a building on the work group.According to people familiar with the "China Economic Weekly," said Caterpillar and Xiamen Municipal Government and Xiamen Engineering Group's exposure to early 2005 has already begun, both sides on several occasions to negotiate."So far, non-performing assets are still the focus of negotiations Xiamen city government want Caterpillar to take over bad assets of Xiamen Engineering Group, and Caterpillar is not. Meanwhile, in controlling and brand issues, Carter Bile Ti the holding, control the brand. "the source said.In the face of adversity strike out competitors, this is a position of vulnerability or take advantage of? Is sea tactical or businesses taboo? This is clearly two distinct areas of business and moral proposition.No matter how the discussion and evaluation of outsiders, the reality is: although Caterpillar's acquisition of harsh conditions, Xiamen Engineering Group in the restructuring of the negotiation process, there has not been able to compete with Caterpillar's competitors, "if not accident, Caterpillar chance of winning. "The judge said analysts.Building work that have to compete with multinational companiesCaterpillar for Xiamen Engineering Group of the acquisition, is known as a showdown between the strong and powerful.Building Engineering Group of China Machinery Industry Top 500 and Top 100 Chinese enterprises, is China's construction machinery industry, one of the most influential, the "building work" brand wheel loader market share ranked first domestic counterparts; Caterpillar more is ferocious, as the world's largest manufacturer of machinery and equipment in the world's top 500 ranked No. 77, the company's sales in 2004 reached 30.25 billion U.S. dollars."But Caterpillar's business performance in China is not good, such as the 2003 business in China is only 40 billion yuan less than the total output of China's construction machinery market 1 / 20, but by its global marketing in the number of window dressing . "industry analysts say.So, with the rapid development of China's construction industry and construction machinery market demand continues to expand, for Caterpillar, the Chinese market is undoubtedly full of great temptation, Caterpillar began to accelerate the implementation of its expansion strategy in China.The source also analyzed that Caterpillar familiar with China's national conditions and state-owned enterprises, and government are good at playing cards, but also have the dominant industry of the strength and ambition, powerful style.