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湖北省翻译公司关键字:As a new breed of financial, real estate investment trust in our midst, but two or three years, the boom began in June 2003 the central bank issued "Circular on Further Strengthening the Administration of the real estate credit business", referred to as "121 file" , this document of commercial banks made loans to real estate stringent restrictions, real estate investment trust developers to solve this problem became the new channel, as of end of June 2004, the national real estate investment trust funds have been raised up to 150 million. However, before the National Day in 2005, the CBRC issued the "Document No. 212" - "to strengthen trust and investment company part of the business risks prompt notice" but makes the trust industry also suffered a policy of "ice." At this point, China's real estate investment trust to the retrial clearly become a priority.The meaning of real estate investment trust and the basic characteristics ofReal Estate Investment Trust is to raise funds from many investors use to invest in real estate market, the gains, almost all in the form of distribution of dividends to investors, and investment securities can benefit from trading in stock markets as an organization the form. Meet the specified conditions (including asset composition, source of income for income distribution, etc.) real estate investment trust may be exempted from corporate income tax and capital gains tax (real estate investment trust investments is not a taxable property, and exemption from corporate tax). Different ways with other financing, investment trusts have the following characteristics.And stable high yield. Because it must be 90% of taxable income as a proportion, so its rate of return than other stocks to be integrated relatively high yield. In general, its annual yield fluctuations in the range 10% to 17%, and relatively stable.And strong liquidity. Since the majority of real estate investment trusts like other stocks, in the Stock Exchange, and the traditional ownership of real estate investments for the purpose of comparison, so it's relatively strong liquidity. To fight inflation. As a value-based real estate investment trusts, real estate, has a strong store of value. On the one hand, the temporary price inflation to rise, real estate is the appreciation of the value of the property quickly to real estate property as an asset-based real estate investment trust stock value will rise; the other hand, in times of inflation , the level of real estate investment trust income will be higher than usual, to a certain extent, offset the inflationary effect. Therefore, the real estate investment trust is a good hedge type of investment tool.For small and medium investors. As the real estate investment trust funds of investors together to invest in real estate, through its unique operating mechanism to make general small investors without large amounts of capital can also be less money in real estate investment. Is an ideal investment vehicle, also in line with the country's economic and industrial policies.China's real estate investment trust problems in the development process