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黄冈翻译公司关键字:dispersion, the maximum output of Baosteel nearly 20 million tons, but its share of the domestic market, which still account for less than 10%. This concentration is not high, a situation that the Chinese steel industry is difficult to form a unified understanding, to speak with one voice, weak bargaining power of nature. The right of import and export steel mills, traders fragmented, scattered quotations to suppliers, or even take the initiative to drive up prices, which greatly weakened the bargaining power of buyers. In contrast, the Japanese steel industry decline in recent years, development in the world steel industry's position has deteriorated, but still dominates the pricing of iron ore in Asia, mainly due to the high concentration of iron and steel industry in Japan, only a few competitive strong large-scale steel mills, they are easy to form alliances to increase the ability to negotiate, so the foreign iron ore companies are more willing to negotiate with them.Iron ore has no substitute. Iron, steel is the resources into products, the existing technical conditions, we must rely on iron ore resources, no other can replace iron ore, which also strengthened the bargaining power of suppliers.Bargaining power in iron ore supply-side and strong demand in the context of world iron ore, iron ore prices is inevitable, but with China's steel industry in the world steel industry's position, the price should not be just passive recipients role, if to take some appropriate measures, to a certain extent, improve the bargaining power of China's steel industry, the recent BHP's concession is a good proof.First, the ore to form a unified purchasing alliance can increase the bargaining power of China's steel industry. China's 200 million tons a year steel production capacity, together we can form a huge buyer power. There are two global iron ore trade market: First, long-term supply contracts established by the market, the main parties to the transaction such as the Brazilian mining giant CVRD and national, large-scale iron and steel enterprises; the other is the spot market, the smaller smaller iron ore suppliers and steel companies to approach trading of iron ore spot prices follow the market. Better reflect the spot market supply and demand, tight supply in the case of iron ore spot prices are much higher than the long-term contract prices. Enjoy long-term contract supply iron and steel enterprises can get preferential prices, and our only Baoshan Iron and Steel Company, several large steel companies into the long-term contract market, accounting for most of the iron and steel production capacity of many small businesses can go to grab the spot market iron ore Some small traders see profitable, they have to squeeze into the iron ore trade market, resulting in China's iron ore imports soared. In 2004, China at least 1,500 tons of iron ore imports since not consumed. At present, the plot has exceeded 37 million tons of iron ore port, a large part of the ore is imported from India traders, hoarding pending price increases, which artificially increased the iron ore supply and demand tight. Will also form a vicious circle: taste and quality than in Brazil, Australia, India, ore minerals and low import prices actually higher than the first two, which naturally stimulates the