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咸宁翻译公司关键字:Information technology as the core of the technological revolution, push forward the world economy, economic development must be accompanied by the economic structure of the upgrade. This paper discusses the meaning and characteristics of the information industry, information industry and the industrial structure of the relationship, and how to use advances in information technology to transform traditional industries. information industry; industrial structure; technological progressUpgrading of industrial structure, its essence is caused by changes in production technology of the industrial structure changes, that is, the development of new technologies, introduction, digestion and absorption caused by high-tech industrial development and transformation of traditional industries, which indicates that the industrial structure is technological advances the premise, but in the process of technological progress, the pace of industrial sectors and technological progress are inconsistent, the first breakthrough in some industrial sectors, and then forward, backward and lateral effect in promoting the development of a series of related industries; but also through technology diffusion, penetration, and induced such as the role, to promote the technological progress of related industries, thus promoting industrial upgrading. Therefore, upgrading the industrial structure should focus on those that have broad prospects for development, high-tech industry; conducive to industrial technology and equipment renewal and transformation of traditional industries, the industry; the rise of China's information industry, breaking the traditional industries industry production patterns, and for other industries and areas of advanced technology and equipment, and promote the overall industrial structure optimization and upgrading process.First, the definition and characteristics of the information industryInformation industry as the development of shorter, so people for what is yet to form a consensus view of the information industry, information industry, the American scholar Borat will be defined as "living in information, communication, processing, storage, distribution and service of the production sector." [1] Therefore, the information industry can be defined as the emerging modern information technology, specializing in the collection of information resources and information technology research, development, utilization, production, storage, transmission and marketing of information goods, can provide effective economic development information services industry comprehensive collection of production activities, is an essential component of national economic structure. Information industry as an emerging industry of its main features are:information industry knowledge, technology, intelligence-intensive industries. The nature of the information industry is the collection of information, production and management information functions of the industry, featuring a lot of mental focus on knowledge, technology development, which consists of a number of new knowledge, technology, enterprise intelligence component. Is in the forefront of cutting-edge science and high-tech industry, precisely because of this feature of the object of labor determines the level of knowledge workers in this industry