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宜昌翻译公司关键字:role and effectiveness are different. The rapid development of information technology today, upgrade the industrial structure to promote the dominant technology is information technology. It is a kind of strong permeability, lead, while they have a high tech form of shared characteristics, the role of upgrading the industrial structure will be huge, ultra-conventional, industrial structure is a powerful leap upgrade lever.1 development of information technology to promote new industries and industrial sectors of the formation, thus opening up new production and service areas. The role of scientific and technological progress, the social division of labor is getting smaller, becoming more specialized. On the one hand, the existing industrial and industrial sector decomposition, the original production of certain products or certain stages of the process of change as production technology and the expansion needs of the community separated from the formation of new industries and industrial sectors. On the other hand, the new industries are emerging, which makes the growing range of industrial structure, increasing the level and links, content and classification of more and smaller. Coupled with the mutual penetration between the various disciplines, the edge, cross-disciplinary in large numbers to promote closer ties between industry, forming a large and complex system, so the development of information technology for the industrial sector has a strong role in promoting the formation. Such as computers and the Internet as the representative of the new technological revolution, with computers, the Internet as the originator, with advances in information technology and information networks into a foundation and opened a new production and service areas, gave birth to the computer industry, software industry, nuclear industry other high-tech industry groups and e-commerce, online financial and other new services.(2) information technology to promote the transformation of traditional industries has been to promote the upgrading of industrial structure. As technology advances, people may adopt new technologies, new processes and new equipment to transform the existing industries, and improve the technical content, change the mode of production, speed up the transformation of traditional industries. We specifically addressed industrial production, for example to the application of information technology in the industry brought about by the results. First, information technology, the productivity of traditional industries has been an unprecedented increase. The United States, Ford Motor Company, for example, through the application of network technology, a paper review process shortened from two weeks for two hours, the person responsible