河北省翻译公司关键字:"Learn effect" can also be effective to explain why China's state sector asset-liability ratio is rising rapidly. From 1979 to 1994, the state sector debt levels rose rapidly from 24% to 75%, accordingly, its net asset ratio (equity rate) from 76% to 25% (Cheng Xiaonong 1995). According to Chinese state-owned Assets Administration Bureau statistics, in 1994, 120,000 state-owned enterprises, assets and liabilities was 75.1%, net loss and net assets unpaid debts of more than 4,000 billion of assets, the assets and liabilities was 83.3%. [17] enterprises to bank loans, bank debt, this is a common phenomenon in the modern economy, after the loan if the business专业英语翻译公司科技文件翻译哪里最好 through increased investment company's assets, the liabilities of banks and business专业英语翻译公司科技文件翻译哪里最好 enterprises can increase their own assets, so business专业英语翻译公司科技文件翻译哪里最好 is in good operating condition, asset-liability ratio will not rise. China's state sector asset-liability ratio abnormally increased rapidly, mainly because a large number of loans is not used for investment, but for the employee's wages and benefits, the results of the bank's debt is growing rapidly, but the company's assets are very low. This is the "drawing effect" phenomenon in the macro-micro-level corporate finance reflect this: there is a state-owned sector is difficult to reverse the trend that reduced market share, revenue short clumsy, staff reduced, but also must continue to improve wages and benefits, So the company's own operating income is difficult to maintain wages and benefits expenses, companies are bound to by the bank "learn" the financial resources to cope.
In this way, the state-owned enterprises and the relationship between state-owned banks and the market economy system is actually the normal state are different. In the market economy, enterprises and commercial banks is to take your credit, borrowed has a purely commercial relationship; in China, state-owned banks play a special role as the state-owned enterprises from the national economy "to learn" financial resources of the "pump" in the business专业英语翻译公司科技文件翻译哪里最好 and the flow of funds between banks is often one-way, the "draw" but not "return." From this perspective, we can clearly see that the Chinese state-owned commercial banks what Nanzaihechu - as long as the "learn" phenomenon continues to exist, it is impossible to restructuring state-owned banks into commercial banks, have continued to act as a "draw" resources The "pump."
Fifth, the economic专业翻译公司服务最好的 system in transition: a market alternative to the plan or not the planned economy of the "dual system"?Two decades, China's economic专业翻译公司服务最好的 system is the most important and most striking of the two changes: the disappearance of mandatory economic专业翻译公司服务最好的 plan and the expansion of non-state sector. If we simply use a "planned economy - the market economy (planned economy vs. Market economy)" this "dichotomy (dichotomy)", may be quickly concluded: China's economic专业翻译公司服务最好的 system is now determined by market a dominant mechanism. However, after the disappearance of the planned economy, to fill certain gaps in the system is the market mechanism? In the idealistic reform blueprint design can really write. But China's real social and economic专业翻译公司服务最好的 life is not so, of course, has been the collapse of the planned economy, but from the government政府许可的定点正规翻译公司 and the monopoly of state-owned sector intervention in economic专业翻译公司服务最好的 activities not only did not decrease and become more "free" of China's current economic专业翻译公司服务最好的 system not driven by the market mechanism, but a semi-market exchange, and a half "free" of administrative intervention in the 'dual system. " This system not only with Western European classical market economy is different, but also with the East Asian newly industrialized countries of the market system is different, it is parasitic climb in mainland China on the existing political and social systems, impede the efficient allocation of resources, inhibit operators, workers hard work, nourish an increasingly rampant corruption, restrain the expansion of non-state sector penetration.
Over the past two decades in China, the discussion on reform, reform of the socialist system of government政府许可的定点正规翻译公司 narrowly defined economic专业翻译公司服务最好的 plan to reform the management system and adjust the exclusion of private economic专业翻译公司服务最好的 ideology. Over time, even many serious scholars have habit to accept this idea that as long as the ideology necessary to leave the position of a market economy, economic专业翻译公司服务最好的 activity in the plan to control the removal of price and production, distribution, labor force mandatory program management, etc., to more decentralized decision-making power in economic专业翻译公司服务最好的 activities to local government政府许可的定点正规翻译公司s and enterprises, China's market economic专业翻译公司服务最好的 system on the basic shape. But in fact the socialist system is not just an economic专业翻译公司服务最好的 plan to introduce ideology only, in the socialist political and social system has a certain social structure, to generate a system of culture. The latter two is not possible to cancel a reform of the executive order, they can plan and socialist ideology in the economic专业翻译公司服务最好的 circumstances continue to exist disappeared, and the transition process deeply stamped their own "brand." Clear the planned economy is not difficult to change the political and social basis of the socialist economy is extremely difficult, Eastern Europe, Russia, although this latter process is not complete, but at least they have begun to clean up, while China is in fact is the basis of the socialist political and social on the construction of both a recognition of the original power system, but also recognize the economic专业翻译公司服务最好的 system of market exchange activities.