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陕西省翻译公司关键字:Known as "the most successful 21st century business model", franchising itself is inevitable development of modern commercial and fashion business model, one of the fast-changing industry, the twenty-first century, but also for changes in consumption, the objective needs of the times, operators all standardization of services by reducing costs to achieve the scientific management, is a chain of industry-specific mode of operation.According to China Association of the definition of commercial chain, it is stated as: the franchisor will have their own trademarks (including service marks), trade names, products, patents and expertise, such as the franchise business model in the form of contract to authorized people to use, promised under the contract by the franchisee under a unified business model business activities, and to pay appropriate licensing fees.Franchising is a general assignment of intellectual property rights, including not only patents, trademarks and other industrial property rights transfer, including technical secrets and business secrets and other proprietary technology transfer, this intellectual property is a more easily acceptable to the invisible assets is not easy to be one of the most imitated of intangible assets, and not money, geography, time and other constraints. Therefore, since the franchise launched in the United States, the rapid development worldwide.Franchising has created a large number of well-known enterprise groups, but in China's development has suffered setbacks. The world's largest franchise group - the United States Tang wins the hotel's "Super 8" in China face the criticism, to the franchise to direct; Wal-Mart entered China in 1996, ten years is still at a loss; franchise The false propaganda, the use of the phenomenon of franchising extort money; "Xi added," ... These cases can not explain franchising in China, there are still some obstacles. In-depth Analysis of China's franchising model obstacles and suggest improvement measures is imperativeAccording to China's WTO accession-related commitments, the beginning of 2005, China canceled all of the foreign franchise restrictions. Then from the Ministry of Commerce issued a February 1, 2005 formally implemented the "Measures for the Administration of Commercial Franchise." "Measures for the Administration of Commercial Franchise" to accelerate the implementation of foreign investment into China led the franchise market. China's current status quo of franchising can be "heated" to describe:Comparison with the other business model, franchising has a low-risk, rapid development, easy entry and other characteristics, so highly respected business. After 100 years of development, franchising, McDonald's has been shaped in the world, Mailbox, KFC and other famous brands. In the United States and Europe more than 70% of commercial enterprises based on franchise