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汉中翻译公司关键字:When the market supply and demand equilibrium price is higher than their actual operating costs and lower than its social costs, the firm still exists the impulse to expansion of production capacity, and capacity expansion at this time will actually result in social waste of resources. If companies with high social cost is lower than the actual operating costs of enterprises with lower social costs, while excess capacity, low cost business community but it will be eliminated first faced with the pressure loss and even enterprises with lower social costs are eliminated and high reservations, the formation of "superior and eliminating the inferior win" result, reduce social welfare.Industry overcapacity, policy control recommendationsIn order to minimize the loss of excess capacity to adjust and guide the problem of excess capacity to improve efficiency of resource utilization towards the positive direction, this paper various aspects to create a sound market environment. Following recommendations are proposed:(A) improve industry information release systemIncomplete as far as possible to bring the industry to eliminate the irrational market changes, should strengthen the information to guide development of the industry in the information content, in addition to price information, including industry should gradually establish a consumer product, the existing production, the existing capacity, supply of raw materials to reflect changes in short-term market and industry demand forecasts, industry production capacity and scale to be reflected in the construction of a comprehensive long-term supply and demand information platform; in the information on the frequency and the audience should try to do extensive.(B) adjusted according to the industry out of the barriersFor market-oriented industries (such as textiles, etc.), by breaking the monopoly of industry standard management while reducing access barriers, increase competition in the industry dynamic, fast survival of the fittest and industrial upgrading; for investment, significant economies of scale, breadth of resources, social impact oriented industries (such as steel, coal, etc.) should increase industry entry barriers, low capacity to prevent short-term fluctuations in the industry is large-scale entry, resulting in serious consequences; also by strengthening social security, improve the system of corporate mergers and acquisitions, lower industry exit barriers, and structural upgrades for the industry to create conditions for survival of the fittest.(C) the actual operating costs for business and social costs of unificationGovernment should try to break through the protection and trade protection areas, and create a fair and open competition in the market environment in which the same business environment as possible to bear the social cost of a relatively fair; while the integrated use of resources, land, environment, taxation, finance and so on means, will internalize the social costs of business, so that their actual operating costs as much as possible reflect the social costs.