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铜川翻译公司关键字:to use the head office management skills, limited franchise and upon the expiration of the contract in competition with the head office of the business problem and so are not very good using the law to circumvent.(B) franchise management system is not perfectFranchising is a general assignment of intellectual property rights, including not only patents, trademarks and other industrial property rights transfer, including technical secrets and business secrets and other proprietary technology transfer.Many were granted in accordance with the provisions of the franchise contract, requiring franchisees operating in strict accordance with specifications based operation. But some franchisees, once familiar with the operation of the store, the number of jobs will be considered based provisions are not reasonable, if it is made in good faith and to the headquarters, the headquarters will be happy to accept. But if given a free hand will be a problem. Especially in the sales of goods in their own manufacturing shop case, if it is to change the manufacturing methods, or change the processing time, or exchange the order of operations, the headquarters of various regulations that are not concerned about or not implemented, then the franchise has actually lost the support of the headquarters, as alone the.All the operations headquarters requirements, must have its strong characteristics, without changes to the loss of its characteristics, in particular, especially with regard to quality. Once the unstable quality, features the loss, the customer is very sensitive, and slowly it will stay away from away. The world's largest economy hotel "Super 8" franchise business model in China began to say that it is being criticized for a lesson. Accordance with the "Super 8" approach, the services provided by each of its stores is not entirely uniform. Tin Shui in Beijing Wangfujing's "Super 8" hotel is the "Super 8" to enter the Chinese market, the first franchise, where standard room price is 388 yuan. And in Suzhou Jin Hanlin "Super 8" hotel, standard room price is only 168 yuan. Appears in the domestic industry, the quality between the various shops, services and prices are not uniform, is taboo for franchisees to join a franchise biased motives, short-term seriousJapan's Mos Burger (Mosburger), for example, the Japanese very proud of its high success rate of 95%, but even so, said a 5% failure rate. The company from year of 1000 to join in the strict selection of candidates, the final conclusion of the contract is one of only 5%, or 50 people. Although the 50 people with a strong entrepreneurial aspirations, and the head office have the same philosophy, the final results are not a power of 5%.From abroad can be seen many cases of failure, the most important reasons for failure to join or biased motive. That join, you can lay doing nothing, all managed by the headquarters. Franchisor is to have a number of success stories, but other