广西省翻译公司关键字:very high degree of power, especially in the acceptance of foreign direct investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱, China has become one of the world's most tolerant country. Because of this, in the period of accelerated industrialization, China's comprehensive and very thorough opening up policy is to obtain a direct benefit: broader access to the international division of labor, especially in the manufacturing industry decomposition provides development opportunities. In the process of industrialization, industry breakdown is a common phenomenon, is to deepen the division's performance. Since the decomposition of the world industry, making the developed countries and newly industrialized countries, traditional industries are likely to quickly transfer to China. 20 years, the Chinese manufacturing industry by undertaking the assembly process to form the beginning from the coastal areas, and to continue to extend the Mainland processing zones and industrial clusters in many areas. Of particular note is that industry is technology diffusion and decomposition of one of the important industrial expansion. Rapid decomposition of high-tech industries in the world in the process, not only traditional industries to China, and processing of high-tech sectors of industry in the rapidly shifting to China. ① In fact, a high degree of decomposition in the industrial division of labor under conditions of very detailed, be counted as a "high-tech industries," the production process with the production process of traditional industries, and there is no unbridgeable gap between. In this way, China's industrialization will soon enter a wide range of international division of labor. In statistics, we can see that China's industrial development a very unique phenomenon: the so-called "processing trade" in the import and export accounted for a very large proportion. Moreover, in the import and export volume of electromechanical products and high-tech products account for a high proportion (Table 3). "Processing trade" This has always been considered low-tech level, and even high-tech industries can become the world division of labor forms. In short, China's industrial growth with China's rapid economic opening up and increasing integration into the international division of labor has a very close relationship.Can be seen from Table 3, total $ 325.6 billion in exports in processing trade, up to $ 179.9 billion, significantly higher than the general trade $ 136.2 billion. In total imports of processing trade accounted for nearly half only, but in 2002 the growth rate of imports of processing trade, up 30.1%, which shows that China's