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百色翻译公司关键字:new industrialization of China will pay more attention to education, invest more, the full realization of the goal of nine years of compulsory education is expected to achieve, some of the more developed areas may achieve higher levels of compulsory education, while other forms of education will also be developed rapidly in 2020, our average population over the age of 6 years of education should be more than 10 years.the average energy efficiency or yuan GDP energy consumption. This indicator reflects a country's energy level, not only reflects the intensive nature of economic growth, but also reflects the energy level of sustainable development. Energy consumption per 10,000 yuan GDP is the total energy consumption of a certain period of standard-GDP ratio, is measured from the physical consumption. 2003 total 1.678 billion tons of standard coal in energy consumption, GDP is 11.6694 trillion yuan, yuan GDP energy consumption of 1.44 tons of standard coal / million. State Research Center Task Force of the findings show that "in 2020, at 2000 prices, China's output of coal equivalent kg up to 20 yuan" [⑩], together 0.5 tons of standard coal / million, with the current world energy consumption average level. Shanghai's experience proves that through hard work翻译毕业论文公司哪里有最权威, China is the rate of energy consumption can be greatly reduced, only to Shanghai in 2004 with 5 years to make yuan GDP energy consumption of 1.42 tons of standard coal reduced to 1.13 tons of standard coal. [11](Ix) yuan GDP water consumption. Water resources are an important resource for human survival depends, China's per capita fresh water resources is only one-fourth the world average, the lack of water has formed the economic growth and social development constraints, and even affect people's living standards. The late 20th century, more than 600 cities in the country, there have been more than 400 cities lack water supply problems, the more serious water shortage in cities up to 110. China should take a new road to industrialization freshwater resources as a strategic resource, with the principles of sustainable development to use water resources, improve water utilization, therefore, yuan GDP water consumption is an important indicator of sustainable development reflected. In 2002, total water consumption of 549.7 billion cubic meters, per