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河池翻译公司关键字:and international organizations (such as the World Bank), some experts admit that in many ways is "very radical", even in some areas of all countries in "the most thorough ". It can be said that China is still in the process of industrialization in history (per capita) income status, open the fastest, the most widely open, open the most radical policy a big country. ① In the 21st century, China's economy is fast integrating into the world economy, especially China's manufacturing industry is more profound, more extensive integration into the international division of labor among the Chinese market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 has become an integral part of the international market毕业论文翻译成英语文章.With some developing countries, the Chinese economy is highly integrated into the world economy has not become attached to "center" countries, the developed countries of the "peripheral" or "marginal" state, but has a strong initiative. You can see, in 2002, the world economy as a whole is not in the case of the economy, China's economy continues to achieve sustained rapid growth. Gross domestic product from 1998 to more than 7800 one trillion yuan jumped 10 trillion yuan new level, up to 10.2398 trillion yuan, according to comparable prices, up 8% over 2001 which, the primary industry 14883 billion yuan, up 2.9%; the secondary industry was 5.2982 trillion yuan, an increase of 9.9%; tertiary industry was 3.4533 trillion yuan, up by 7.3%, including the rapid growth of industrial production, the annual industrial added value of 4.5935 trillion yuan, more than 10.2% the previous year, among which industrial enterprises above designated size (ie, state-owned industrial enterprises and an annual sales income over 5 million yuan of non-state industrial enterprises) to increase the value of 3.1482 trillion yuan, an increase of 12.6% (Table 1). Profits of industrial enterprises increased sharply in several years, based on the continued rapid growth, the annual profit of 562 billion yuan, comparable basis, increased 20.6% over the previous year, of which the state-owned and state holding enterprises realized profits of 263.6 billion yuan , an increase of