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玉林翻译公司关键字:relatively competitive advantage in other industries weakened, but compared to similar industries in other countries, but in enhancing competitiveness. This indicates that, on the one hand, this type of industry comparative advantage is still the decisive factor in international competitiveness; other hand, the comparative advantage of the competitive role in the decision but also on the wane, especially in more competitive industries are increasingly dependent on role in the decision. Therefore, the future of China's industrial development, comparative advantage, while still very important, but there is weakening of the trend relative importance, competitive advantage will have an increasingly important role of decisive significance.(3) the number of Chinese high-tech industries to expand rapidly, but generally speaking, high value-added technology or capital-intensive industries, export competitiveness is still at a disadvantage. It is noteworthy that, from statistical data, chemical and transportation equipment industries, the relative international competitiveness still further weakening trend. However, there are some industries, such as office and communications equipment, has been a growing competitive. This may show that: If we look at two types of manufacturing industries: manufacturing and processing equipment manufacturing industry in recent years, China's competitiveness in the manufacturing process significantly enhanced, but also in processing and manufacturing, with strong competition force category is expanded to higher levels. In other words, the international competitiveness of Chinese products, are from a lower level of processing and manufacturing technology to a higher level of processing and manufacturing upgrades. Meanwhile, China's equipment manufacturing industry less competitive phenomenon is more prominently displayed.(4) With the continuous expansion of China's opening up, foreign-invested enterprises in China's industrial products exports, the proportion increases every year. Foreign-invested enterprises in China's export competitiveness of industry influence is more complex, on the one hand, they enhance the international competitiveness of Chinese industrial products has played a significant role in promoting; the other hand, they form a strong national industry of China competitive pressure. In the study of international competitiveness of Chinese industry, when we found that if you do not deduct the products of foreign-invested enterprises, China's international competitiveness in various industries have drastically increased; and if the net foreign-invested enterprise products, some of the industry, international level of competitiveness to improve the rate is not so big. This shows that foreign-invested enterprises in China's overall