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宁夏翻译公司关键字:Some people worry that the stock market will affect the cooling property market macro-economic trends. In fact, as long as the macro-control policies are moderate, moderate stock and property markets cool down, will not lead to severe economic downturn, will only tend to macroeconomic overheating eased. Because the stock market in a stable property market, to adopt appropriate policies to accelerate agricultural, manufacturing, service industries such as the rapid development of productive enterprises to increase investment and profits, increase the proportion of service industries, and gradually adjust the economic structure to a more reasonable level, would help to overcome the embarrassment of stock and property markets bundled economic situation is conducive to China's economy in a stable, healthy front line of the track, to prevent economic ups and downs.In short, the stock and property markets cool moderately healthy and stable development of the great economic benefits. Appropriate methods to control the two major market overheating is necessary. Moment, to promote stock and property markets cool down, do not have to raise interest rates and other monetary policy because the policy involves raising interest rates too broad, there may hurt other industries, for example, if the policy is always used to raise interest rates to curb stock and property markets overheating, it may have great impact on manufacturing enterprises, greatly reducing the profitability of these enterprises, there is no benefit to the overall economic development. For different markets can take different policy strategies, such as to cool the stock market increases the supply of stock, rational investors to invest in education and other measures; to cool the property market, the introduction of property tax can be taken against the store room real estate and strengthen the housing support and other measures. Targeted regulation, not only to ensure the healthy and orderly development of the two markets, in other areas of the economy does not pose a greater impact. Of course, there is also a cool "degree" and not merely to suppress, in particular, large stock market affected by the policy, policy implementation can not undermine investor confidence, otherwise there is no market advantage.From the world economic development, whether it is taking off rapidly after the war, Japan or 20 since the 1970s and 1980s developed rapidly in Southeast Asia, Latin America and other emerging market economies, in its rapid growth and a certain stage of development, with local currency appreciation and rising domestic asset prices, have not escaped out of the economic and financial crisis, catastrophe, have suffered from Japan's bubble economy, the Southeast Asian financial crisis, Latin America's financial crisis hit. Today, China has experienced